A close-up look at an ostrich farm in Oudtshoorn, South Africa, by British photographer Dale Morris. Dale, now based in South Africa, travelled to Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Angola and Mozambique to capture Africa up-close and personal.

Dale photographed a warthog that looked like Pumbaa from the Lion King. "The warthog was in fact called Robert, after Zimbabwe's President Mugabe," said Dale. "I was driving around with a guide in South Luangwa national Park in Zambia when we chanced across Robert. My guide told me it was fine to hop out of the vehicle because he was tame. Robert was hand-reared by conservationists and then released back into the national park...

"...He is still very friendly towards people - perhaps a little bit too friendly. After spending ten minutes taking very close-up photos of this warthog, he began to dribble and make a strange 'chuff-chuffing' sound. My guide told me this was the sound that warthogs make before they start mating. At that point I decided our friendship had perhaps gone too far, and I retreated to the vehicle."

A bright green chameleon in Zambia

Ostriches in Oudtshoorn, South Africa

Dale also captured portraits of people in the region, such as these children laughing on a beach in Angola...

...and a group of bushmen in the Kalahari, Botswana

A close-up of a frog's eyes in Zambia's Liuwa Plain National Park

A hermit crab on a beach in Mozambique

Three young elephants at Addo Elephant National Park in South Africa

Two donkeys in the Swartberg mountains

A young male lion yawns at Zambia's Liuwa Plain National Park

Photographer Dale Morris with group of ostriches in Oudtshoorn
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