The holy temple of Stambheshwar Mahadev is situated at the distance of
around 40 miles from the city of Vadodara in the small town of Kavi
Kamboi, Gujrat. The specialty of this ancient temple is its
location within the bay of Cambay, a part ofthe Arabian Sea.
This sacred Siva Linga at the Stambheshwar temple which was established
by Bhagwan Kartik after killing Tarkasur (as mentioned in Kumarika
khand as mentioned in Skand Purana).
Lord Shiva at the Stambheshwar temple can only be viewed during the low
tide hours and gets disappeared inside the sea during high tide hours.
Depending upon the time of high and low tide., one can view the
full Lord. Shiva Lingam during low tide and subsequently watch
it submerging in the sea as the tide slowly increases.

around 40 miles from the city of Vadodara in the small town of Kavi
Kamboi, Gujrat. The specialty of this ancient temple is its
location within the bay of Cambay, a part ofthe Arabian Sea.
This sacred Siva Linga at the Stambheshwar temple which was established
by Bhagwan Kartik after killing Tarkasur (as mentioned in Kumarika
khand as mentioned in Skand Purana).
Lord Shiva at the Stambheshwar temple can only be viewed during the low
tide hours and gets disappeared inside the sea during high tide hours.
Depending upon the time of high and low tide., one can view the
full Lord. Shiva Lingam during low tide and subsequently watch
it submerging in the sea as the tide slowly increases.

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