The Magic Realism of Rob Gonsalves

Canadian painter Rob Gonsalves surrealistic paintings portrays two seemingly different realistic scenes magically merging into one. As a result, the term "Magic Realism" describes his work accurately.
During his childhood, Gonsalves developed an interest in drawing from imagination using various media. By the age of twelve, his awareness of architecture grew as he learned perspective techniques and he began to create his first paintings and renderings of imagined buildings. After an introduction to artists Dalí and Tanguy, Gonsalves began his first surrealist paintings. The "Magic Realism" approach of Magritte along with the precise perspective illusions of Escher came to be influences in his future work.
In his post college years, Gonsalves worked full time as an architect, also painting trompe-l'œil murals and theater sets. After an enthusiastic response in 1990 at the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, Gonsalves devoted himself to painting full time.
Although Gonsalves' work is often categorized as surrealistic, it differs because the images are deliberately planned and result from conscious thought. Ideas are largely generated by the external world and involve recognizable human activities, using carefully planned illusionist devices. Gonsalves injects a sense of magic into realistic scenes. He spends a notable amount of time planning each piece in order to make the transitions flawless and usually finishes about four paintings each year.

Giant Storm Cloud Over Beijing

A strange cloud appeared last week in the skies over Beijing. Glowing like a huge "mushroom", similar to what is left after a nuclear explosion, it appeared over the town about seven o'clock, and hung for about an hour. In addition, from time to time spectacular lightning illuminated the great mass of cloud, presenting an apocalyptic picture reminiscent of movies such as “Independence Day” and “War of the Worlds”.
According to the National Center for Atmospheric Research, it was just a giant cumulonimbus cloud, and its unusual shape was formed due to the fact that the cloud initially developed vertically, but after meeting with warmer layers of air began to grow horizontally.

Vegetable Art By Ju Duoqi

Born in Chongqing in 1973, Ju Duoqi is Chinese artist who started working with vegetables in the summer of 2006. She spent two days peeling a few kilograms of peas, before stringing them on a wire and transforming them in a skirt, a top, a headdress and a magic wand. This was her first experience with vegetable art, and it was called Pea Beauty Pageant. In the years that followed, she created dozens of sculptures often pacing in front of vegetable stalls, deliberating on different vegetables as she mentally sketched her “paintings”.

Largest Stadiums in the World

Rungrado May Day Stadium

The Rungrado May First Stadium, or May Day Stadium, is a multi-purpose stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, completed on May 1, 1989. The stadium can seat 150,000, which is the largest stadium capacity in the world and the world's 12th largest sporting venue. While the stadium is used for sporting events, it is most famous as the site of massive performances and shows celebrating Kim Il-sung and the North Korean nation. In June–July 2002 it was the site of the colossal and meticulously choreographed "Arirang" gymnastic and artistic performance (often referred to elsewhere as "mass games").


Sweet and hot

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Arches National Park

Arches National Park is a U.S. National Park in eastern Utah. It is known for preserving over 2000 natural sandstone arches, including the world-famous Delicate Arch, in addition to a variety of unique geological resources and formations.

The park is located just outside of Moab, Utah, and is 76,679 acres (31,031 ha) in area. Its highest elevation is 5,653 feet (1,723 m) at Elephant Butte, and its lowest elevation is 4,085 feet (1,245 m) at the visitor center. Forty-three arches have collapsed due to erosion since 1970. The park receives 10 inches (250 mm) of rain a year on average.

Administered by the National Park Service, the area was originally created as a National Monument on April 12, 1929. It was redesignated as a National Park on November 12, 1971.

Bull Fighting In Spain

Tribos da Papua-Nova Guiné

बाल कटवाने की कीमत 1 'स्पलेंडर' बाइक

भारत के एक सैलून में सिर्फ कटवाने के लिए 50000 रुपये खर्च करने पड़ जाते हैं, तो शायद आपको विश्वास न हो, लेकिन ये सच है। जी हां रोसियानो फेराती सैलून में सिर्फ बाल कटवाने के लिए इतने पैसे खर्च करने पड़ते हैं, जितने में 1 स्पलेंडर को खरीदा जा सकता है। 

फैशन के तेजी से बदलते बाजार में लोग अपने मनमाफिक हेयर स्टाइल के लिए मुंहमांगी रकम देने से गुरेज नहीं करते। दुनिया के सबसे महंगे बारबर में शामिल रोसियानो फेराती का भारत में भी सैलून है। लेडी गागा और कई हॉलीवुड एक्टर्स के हेयर स्टाइल को न्यू लुक देने का काम भी करता है। 

अब आपको लग रहा होगा कि रोसियानो फेराती बाल काटने के बहुत ज्यादा पैसे लेता है, लेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। दुनिया में और भी ऐसे हेयर स्टइलिस्ट हैं जो बाल काटने के लिए 25-30 हजार रुपए तक चार्ज करते हैं। सेली हार्शबर्गर, फ्रैडरिक फेकेई कई ऐसे नाम है जो एक बार सिर्फ बाल काटने के बदले 500 डॉलर (तकरीबन 25000 रुपए) तक लेते हैं।

आपको बता दें कि रोसियानो फेराति ने भारत में दो सैलून खोल रखा है। इसमें से एक मुंबई में है वहीं दूसरा सैलून गुडगांव के ओबरॉय होटल में है। इन सैलून में काम करने वालों को रोलियानो खुद ट्रेंड करते हैं। फेराति के दुनिया भर में 20 सैलून हैं जिसमें मैड्रिड, मिलान, पेरिस, न्यूयार्क और लॉस एंजिलिस प्रमुख हैं।


विश्व में एकमात्र देवी जिसकी पीठ की पूजा होती है

1. अजमेर में ख्वाजा साहब की दरगाह का निर्माण किसने शुरू करवाया था।

- ग्यासुद्दीन खिलजी

2. कौनसा संप्रदाय वृक्षों की रक्षा के लिए प्राणोत्सर्ग करने के लिए विख्यात हुआ।

- विश्नोई संप्रदाय

3. शारदा एक्ट के नाम से बाल विवाह विरोधी कानून किसने पास करवाया।

- हरविलास शारदा

4. रामदेवजी का प्रतीक चिह्न् क्या है।

- पगल्या

5. देवनारायणजी का प्रतीक चिह्न् है।

- सर्प

6. तलवारधारी अश्वारोही किस लोक देवता का प्रतीक चिह्न् है। 

- तेजाजी

7. भाला लिए अश्वारोही किस लोक देवता का प्रतीक चिह्न् है। 

- पाबूजी

8. लोक देवता गोगाजी का वाहन क्या है।

- घोड़ा

9. किस संप्रदाय के अनुयायी जलते हुए अंगारों पर नृत्य करते हैं।

- जसनाथी संप्रदाय

10. नरसीजी का मायरा किसने लिखी थी।

- रतना खाती

११. बीजा और माला किस जनजाति के संप्रदाय हैं।

- सांसी

12. राजस्थान की किस जनजाति को भारत सरकार द्वारा आदिम जनजाति समूह में रखा गया है।

- सहरिया

13.किस संत को अकबर ने आध्यात्मि चिंतन के लिए फतेहपुर सीकरी बुलाया था।

- संत दादूदयाल

14. विश्व में एकमात्र देवी जिसकी पीठ की पूजा होती है।

- ब्रह्माणी माता

15. सहरिया जनजाति का कुंभ कौनसा मेला कहलाता है।

- सीताबाड़ी का मेला

16. राजस्थान का प्रथम बायोगैस संयंत्र कहां पर स्थापित किया गया।

- भावगढ़ (बारां)

17. ऊंट के चमड़े से बना एक विशेष जलपात्र जो बीकानेर में बनाया जाता है, कहलाता है।

- कॉपी

18. झालावाड़ का मुख्य लोकनृत्य कौनसा है।

- बिंदौरी

19 राजस्थान का सबसे अधिक कृषि उपज मंडियों वाला जिला कौनसा है।

- श्रीगंगानगर

20. कत्थक नृत्य की जन्मस्थली किसे कहा जाता है।

- सुजानगढ़


“Laghurudra Anushtthan” “Om Namah Shivaya”

In 1879, when there was British Rule in India, Lt. Col. Martin of Agar Malva was leading the army in the war against Afghanistan.

Col. Martin used to regularly send messages of his well-being to his wife. The war continued for long and Lady Martin stopped getting messages. She was very upset.

Once riding on her horse, she passed by the temple of Baijnath Mahadev. She was attracted to the sound of conch and mantra. She went inside and came to know that the Brahmins were worshipping Lord Shiva.

They saw her sad face and asked her problem. She explained everything to them. They told her that Lord Shiva listens to the prayers of devotees & takes them out of difficult situations in no time. With the advice of the Brahmins she started the “Laghurudra Anushtthan” (ritual ceremony) of the Mantra: “Om Namah Shivaya” for 11 days.

She prayed to Lord Shiva that if her husband reaches home safely, then she would get the temple renovated.

On the last of the “Laghurudra” a messenger came and gave a letter to her. Her husband had written:



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