The Great Squares Of The World

Plaza Mayor

The Plaza Mayor was built during the Hapsburg period and is a central plaza in the city of Madrid, Spain. It is located only a few Spanish blocks away from another famous plaza, the Puerta del Sol. The Plaza Mayor is rectangular in shape, measuring 129 by 94 meters, and is surrounded by three-story residential buildings having 237 breathtaking balconies facing the Plaza. It has a total of nine entrance ways. The Casa de la Panadería, serving municipal and cultural functions, dominates the Plaza Mayor.

You Won’t Believe This is Earth

Dutch astronaut and physician Andre Kuipers, who’s currently working at the International Space station, took these marvelous pictures with his SLR. Good photographic skills and perfect vantage point enabled the man to make the images so stunning that some of them seem absolutely unreal.
You Wont Believe This is Earth   arts

The Metro Station Kiev-Ring

"Kiev" - Circle Line station of the Moscow Metro. Opened March 14, 1954 in the section "Belarusian" - "Park of Culture." Located between the stations "Krasnopresnenskaya" and "Park of Culture." Go to Filyovskaya and Intercession Arbatsko-line. The only Metro Ring line is not located in the Central Administrative District of Moscow.
Pilon deep-level station. Architects - EI Katonin, VK Skugarev, GE Golubev. Artists - AV Mizin, G. Opryshko, AG Ivanov.

Sad Thoughts Become The Dance- The Game Of Tango

The word “tango” seems to have first been used in connection with the dance in the 1890s. Initially it was just one of the many dances, but it soon became popular throughout society, as theaters and street barrel organs spread it from the suburbs to the working-class slums, which were packed with hundreds of thousands of European immigrants, primarily Italians, Spanish and French. The Tango consists of a variety of styles that developed in different regions and eras of Argentina as well as in other locations around the world. The dance developed in response to many cultural elements, such as the crowding of the venue and even the fashions in clothing. The styles are mostly danced in either open embrace, where lead and follow have space between their bodies, or close embrace, where the lead and follow connect either chest-to-chest (Argentine tango) or in the upper thigh, hip area (American and International tango).

12 Craziest Stuff Created With Hair

Jewelry made from human hair

Kerry Howley, an art student at Middlesex University, put together a jewelry collection made from human hair. In reference to how people thinkabout hair, she's entitled it “Attraction/Aversion.”

10 Largest Countries Without Railroads

These are all countries with large areas of low population density. Except for Libya, Oman and Iceland, these are among the poorestcountries in the world. Low population density or poverty, or both, are the main reasons for non-existent railway system.

10. Bhutan

21 percent of the Bhutanese rural households have to walk from one to four hours to the nearest all-season road, and another 21 percent have to spend more than half a day.

Sleeping For Survival- 17 Species Of Hibernating Animals

Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depression in animals, characterized by lower body temperature, slower breathing, and/or lower metabolic rate. Hibernating animals conserve energy, especially during winter when food supplies are limited, tapping energy reserves, body fat, at a slow rate. Although often associated with cold temperatures, the root purpose of hibernation is to conserve food during a period when sufficient food is scarce. It is the animal’s slowed metabolic rate which leads to a reduction in body temperature and not the other way around. Hibernation may last several days, weeks, or months depending on the species, ambient temperature, time of year, individual animal’s body condition, and fur on the animal’s body.


बिक गया अमेरिका का सबसे छोटा शहर बूफोर्ड बिक गया अमेरिका का सबसे छोटा शहर बूफोर्ड

अमरीका के सबसे छोटे कहे जाने वाले शहर बूफोर्ड की नौ लाख डॉलर में नीलामी कर दी गई। बूफोर्ड शहर दस एकड़ में फैला है जिसमें एक मोबाइल टावर भी है। वियतनाम के दो अज्ञात खरीददारों ने विजयी नीलामी बोली लगाई थी।

व्योमिंग राज्य में स्थित इस शहर में एक स्कूल, जनरल स्टोर, एक पेट्रोल पंप के साथ ही तीन बेडरूम का एक घर भी है जिसमें एक केबिन भी है।

बूफोर्ड के पूर्व मालिक डॉन सैमन्स ने नीलामी की बोली एक लाख डॉलर से शुरू की। वो अनाधिकृत तौर पर शहर के मेयर का पद संभाल रहे थे, हालांकि वो अब कुछ और करना चाहते है।

साठ वर्षीय सैमन्स शहर में साल 1980 से रह रहें है। बूफोर्ड से उनके पुत्र के चले जाने के बाद सैमन्स शहर के अकेले नागरिक रह गए।

यहां हुआ था हनुमानजी का जन्म...

गुजरात स्थित डांग जिला रामायण काल में दंडकारण्य प्रदेश के रूप में पहचाना जाता था। डांग जिले के आदिवासियों की हमेशा से यह मानता रही कि भगवान राम वनवास के दरमियान पंचवटी की ओर जाते समय डांग प्रदेश से गुजरे थे। डांग जिला के सुबिर के पास भगवान राम और लक्ष्मण को शबरी माता ने बेर खिलाए थे। आज यह स्थल शबरी धाम नाम से जाना जाता है।

शबरी धाम से लगभग 7 किमी की दूरी पर पूर्णा नदी पर स्थित पंपा सरोवर है। यहीं मातंग ऋषि का आश्रम था। डांग जिले के आदिवासियों की सबसे प्रबल मानता यह भी है कि डांग जिले के अंजनी पर्वत में स्थित अंजनी गुफा में ही हनुमानजी का भी जन्म हुआ था। कहा जाता है कि अंजनी माता ने अंजनी पर्वत पर ही कठोर तपस्या की थी और इसी तपस्या के फलस्वरूप उन्हें पुत्र रत्न यानि की हनुमान जी की प्राप्ति हुई थी। माता अंजनी ने अंजनी गुफा में ही हनुमानजी को जन्म दिया था।

Top 10 Tallest Dams in the World

This is a list of the tallest dams in the world over 135 meters in height. Currently, the tallest dam in the world is the Nurek in Tajikistan at 300 meters.

10. Mica Dam,  Canada – 234m

Dew Covered Insects Photographed by Ondrej Pakan

Ondrej Pakan, from Myjava, Slovakia, captures stunning macro photos of bugs covered in tiny water droplets. Pakan actually sits in the rain, waiting for the downpour to end, then snaps these amazing shots of his insect models only seconds after the rain stops to captured the wonderfully bejeweled bugs.

Interesting Places and Events in New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. It geographically comprises two main landmasses, the North and South Islands. In 1250-1300, Polynesians settled New Zealand and developed a distinctive Māori culture. Europeans first made contact in 1642. The culture of New Zealand is largely inherited from British and European custom, interwoven with Māori and Polynesian tradition. European and Māori remain the two largest ethnicities, but the large Polynesian population in Auckland has prompted the observation that Auckland is now the largest Polynesian city in the world.
In fact, Auckland is the most remote city in the world with a population in excess of one million. The country of New Zealand is currently the 122 most populated in the world. During its long isolation, New Zealand developed a distinct biodiversity. It is a marvelous place to visit and holds many unique experiences. This article will examine 15 interesting places and events in New Zealand.

The Empire State Building

 The UT Tower in Austin serves as the tall, honorable building in my life. I still hope to get to New York, because I’m sure their skyscrapers are quite mightier. I think it’s a little crazy to have 73 elevators in one building. But I guess that’s better than the time I got stuck at a beach hotel with 20+ floors and 1 elevator.


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