Master Of 3D Pavement Art- 25 Kurt Wenner’s Art Images

Kurt Wenner is an artist best known for his invention of 3D pavement art. Wenner was inspired by anamorphic perspective, but had to invent an entirely new geometry in order to create his astonishing 3D pavement art images. Kurt Wenner produced his first commissioned mural at the age of sixteen and by sixteen to seventeen he was earning his living as a graphic artist. He attended both Rhode Island School of Design and Art Center College of Design, before working for NASA as scientific illustrator.
In 1982 he left NASA and moved to Italy to study figurative drawing and art. Over the years Wenner’s work became known throughout the country and in 1991 he was commissioned to create a work of art to honor the visit of Pope John Paul II to the city of Mantua. Wenner lived in Rome for 25 years before returning to the United States.

Religious Thought 20

Self-important, obstinate, swept away by the pride of wealth, they ostentatiously perform sacrifices without any regard for their purpose. Egotistical, violent, arrogant, lustful, angry, envious of everyone, they abuse my presence within their own bodies and in the bodies of others.
- Bhagavad Gita 16:1318

Here he's tormented he's tormented hereafter. In both worlds the wrong-doer's tormented. He's tormented at the thought, 'I've done wrong.' Having gone to a bad destination, he's tormented all the more. Here he delights he delights hereafter. In both worlds the merit-maker delights. He delights at the thought, 'I've made merit.' Having gone to a good destination, he delights all the more.
- Dhammapada, 17-18, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Strengthen me, my lord, for I am overcome with feebleness. Ennoble me once more, for I have been cast down. Sustain me, Lord, for I am impoverished.
- From the prayer book "Al-Hizbul-A'zam"

Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation; the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.
- Mark 14:38 (Revised Standard Version)

A religious man is a person who holds God and man in one thought at one time, at all times, who suffers harm done to others, whose greatest passion is compassion, whose greatest strength is love and defiance of despair.
- Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel


Santa :  We Have To Learn Telugu Within 6 Months
              Or We Will Not Be Able To Communicate With Our Child.
Banta :  Is It!.. Why?
Santa :  We Have Adopted ATelugu Child And It Will Start To Speak After 6 Months. .
              We Need To Learn.. To Understand Him.
Waiter Gives Bill To Santaji.
Santa : Take This Card.
Waiter: But Sir, This Is ' Ration Card '
Santa : So What? You Have Writen Outside..' ALL CARD ACCEPTED ' .
If  Santa Want To Dial 9449494494..
How Will He Dial........?
He Will First Dial ..... 94494  And Then  Press "REDIAL".....................
Doctor :  Do You Watch Your Husband's Face During Sex?
Preeto :  I Did Once & Saw Anger.
Doctor :  Why?
Preeto :  Because He Was Watching From The Window.
Santa  :  I Have Swallowed A Key. 
Doctor :  When? 
Santa  :  3 Months Back! 
Doctor :  What Were You Doing Till Now? 
Santa  :  I Was Using Duplicate Key, Now I Have Lost It too. 
Santa  : I Kiss My Wife Before I Go To Office
Banta  : I Kiss Your Wife After You Go To Your Office
Santa  : Ha..Ha..But I'm The First.!
Santa Saw A Board At The Center of A Pond
He Tried To Read.. But Could not
At Last He Swims To The Center Of The Pond Just To Read
A Crocodile Present, Dont Swim 
Judge :  Can You Tell Me The Exact Place Where This Man Raped Your Wife?
Santa Lifts Jasmeets Saari & Underwear & Said, "Here..My Lord..Here..!
Santa's Dad Died..He Was Crying..
After A Phone Call Santa Starts Crying Even Louder..
Banta : What Happened Now ?
Santa :  My Sister Just Called..Even Her Father Died..!
Banta :  Did You Have A Chance To Sleep With My Wife Yet?
Santa :  What Are You Saying. I Would Never Even Think About Such Things.
Banta :  Well, You Might Want To.. She Is Much Better Than Yours.
Santa :  I Divorced My Wife Jasmeet On Our Wedding Nite.
Banta :  Why?
Santa :  I Saw The Label On Her Panties..It Said,
"Tested OK by Mafatlal & Sons."
Preeto : My Husband Banta Went To Buy Potatoes 5 Days Ago,
He Hasn't  Come Back Yet! 
Santa :  Why Don't You Cook Something Else?

जॉब की तलाश

संता को जॉब की तलाश थी। भारत में जब कोई जॉब नहीं मिली तो उन्होंने अमेरिका में एप्लाई किया |वहां से पत्र आया तो संता बहुत खुश हुआ और उसने दोस्तों को पार्टी दे डाली|

दोस्तों ने पूछा कि भैया, कौन सी कंपनी है तेरी और तनख्वाह कितनी है?

संता- देखो भाई, वहां से यह पत्र आया है। अब यह तो अंग्रेजी में है। मैं तुमको इसका हिंदी अनुवाद करके सुनाता हूँ |

you do not meet

तुम तो मिलते ही नहीं हो |(अर्थात बहुत बिजी हो)

our requirement

हमें बहुत जरूरत है |

no further correspondence

यानी कि आगे कोई पत्र लिखने की आवश्यकता नही है ,बस आ जाओ |

will be entertained

बहुत खातिर की जाएगी |

सबकी चली गई

if power goes,
they call power office.
In Japan,
they test the fuse.
But in India,
we check the neighbor’s house…
सबकी चली गई… फिर ठीक है !

London Olympic Games 1908


IV Olympiad, often called Olympic Games 1908, held in London from April 27 to October 31. Been played 110 sets of medals in 22 sports.

Religious Thought 19

Let all thoughts be thoughts of noble progress, For then even failing cannot be called a failure.
- Tirukkural 596

Whether you believe in God or not does not matter so much, whether you believe in Buddha or not does not matter so much. You must lead a good life.
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

The bottom of the river is full of jewels. Take heed! Do not make the water turbid. The spirit of man is like the air: when dust surrounds it the sky is veiled. Notwithstanding such a state of darkness, God made visions to help you find the road to redemption.
- Rumi

Experience has taught me that the Shepherd is far more willing to show his sheep the path than the sheep are to follow. He is endlessly merciful, patient, tender, and loving.
- Elisabeth Elliot

Who lives in joy does his Creator's will.
- Baal Shem Tov