Silent Please

Santa Traveling First Time In Plane Going To Bombay,

While Landing, He Shouted: “Bombay-Bombay

Air Hostess: “B-Silent Please

Santa Said: “Ombay – Ombay

10 Most Haunted Places In India

1.Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan

10 Most Haunted Places In India

Bhangarh, a deserted town in Rajasthan, was established in 1613 by King Madho Singh, son of great Mughal general, Man Singh of Amber. Bhangarh was abandoned soon after being built and supposedly after it was cursed by a magician. In ignorance Ajab Singh, the grandson of Madho Singh, raised the palace to such a height that the shadow reached the forbidden place. Hence the devastation of entire town of Bhangarh happened. Local villagers say that whenever a house is built there its roof collapses. People say that nobody returned who stayed there after dark. And the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) sign board put up there says, "Staying after sunset is strictly prohibited in this area.

10 Living Things That Are Surprisingly Related

Due to a worldwide increase in scientific literacy, most people are familiar with what a species is. They know that two different animals or plants are different species. However, breeding has produced subspecies which can confuse the issue somewhat. The ordinary potato and the sweet potato are completely unrelated, yet the incredibly varied dachshund, the Great Dane, and the old English sheepdog are all, astoundingly, the same species. Here are ten species whose members are just as unexpectedly varied.
Brassica oleracea
Brassica Romanesco
Brassica oleracea is a species of leafy vegetable which we know in many different forms. It has been bred into a number of different subspecies, each with its own morphology and taste. Imagine sitting down to a meal of steamed broccoli, baked cauliflower, fried kale and cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Every single one of these vegetables, despite looking and tasting different, is Brassica oleracea. Broccoli has been bred to accentuate the inner part whilst cabbage has been bred for its leaves. It does not take a stretch of the imagination to see that Brussels sprouts are, for the most part, miniaturized cabbages, and cauliflowers are largely paler broccolis. Kale are cabbages which have been bred to grow their leaves outwards instead of into a head. Nevertheless, all these vegetables are easily distinguished by taste, and their hugely different shapes and colors makes it surprising that they are all the exact same species.

Stunning High-Speed Liquid Photography!

Liquid Art & droplet photography
It takes great skill (and good high speed photography equipment) to create such frozen-in-time compositions, revealing the inherent energy, the dynamics of flowing water and the beauty of it all! Some artists substitute water with more viscous liquids, producing even more lava-lamp-like effects. But often just playing with coloring and light is enough to make an effective picture. In this article, we will try to cover a large variety of stunning high-speed liquid photography.
Luiz Luxvich makes startlingly clear images of splashing water

This master from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has a good presence on flickr, so make sure to check out the rest of his colorful creations.


A Married Man Had 3 kids , He Named them NC , MC & ABC

When asked what They Meant , He said :

Natural Curiosity ,

Mutual Consent &

Absolute Bloody Carelessness..

एक पैसा भी नहीं भिजवाया...

बुरी तरह उखड़ी हुई भाभी जी  ने राणा भाई  को कोसते हुए कहा, "तुम्हारी ज़िन्दगी भी कोई ज़िन्दगी है 


तुम्हारे घर का खर्च मेरे पिताजी उठाते हैं... 

तुम्हारे बच्चों के स्कूल की फीस मेरी मां दिया करती हैं...

 मेरे मामा हमारे मकान-मालिक हैं, सो, वह किराया नहीं लेते... 

कपड़े मेरी बुआ के भिजवाए हुए पहनते हो... 

खाने-पीने का सामान मेरी मौसी की दुकान से मुफ्त आता है... 

शर्म नहीं आती क्या...?"

राणा ने  तमतमाकर जवाब दिया, "बिल्कुल... शर्म तो आनी ही चाहिए... इसी शहर में तुम्हारे दो-दो भाई भी 

रहते हैं, लेकिन सालों ने आज तक एक पैसा भी नहीं भिजवाया..." 

nice week-end

On a Saturday evening,

Husband asks his wife : Shall we have a nice week-end ??

Wife : Sure, why not ??

Husband : Ok then,

see you on Monday ....!!!

Religious Thought 39

The story of your dishonor will be repeated endlessly: and for a man of honor, dishonor is worse than death. These brave warriors will think you are withdrawn from battle out of fear, and those who formerly esteemed you will treat you with disrespect. Your enemies will ridicule your strength and say things that should not be said. What could be more painful than this?
- Bhagavad Gita 2:34-36

This robe of freedom from cold isn't matched by ordinary clothes. This concentration free of hunger is unequaled by ordinary meat and beer. This draught at the stream of enlightenment isn't matched by ordinary drink. This satisfaction born within isn't equaled by ordinary treasure.
- Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"

When the two hosts saw each other, the people of Moses said, We are indeed overtaken. Moses said, By no means! My Lord is with me, and He will guide me.
- The Poets 26:61-62

Learn to know Christ and him crucified. Learn to sing to him, and say, "Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours. You have become what you were not so that I might become what I was not."
- Martin Luther

A little light will dispel much darkness.
- Isaachar Eilenburg, Tzeda LaDerek

Underwater On A Wheelchair

Cultural Olympiad artist creates world's first self-propelled underwater wheelchair so she can perform under the waves

  • An artist will perform swimming pool acrobatics in an underwater wheelchair this week as part of the Cultural Olympiad celebrations.
Sue Austin, from Devon, has been wheelchair-bound since 1996 after contracting ME and has invented and helped create the world's first self-propelled underwater wheelchair with a team of diving experts. 
In the lead up to the Paralympic Games Ms Austin has staged a series of stunning underwater scuba performances called 'Creating the Spectacle!' to show off her underwater art.
Scroll down to see a video of the chair in action
Sue Austin has created a self-propelled wheelchair that she will use as part of the Cultural OlympiadSue Austin has created a self-propelled wheelchair that she will use as part of the Cultural Olympiad

Botanical Garden Inside Atocha Train Station, Madrid

The Atocha Train station is the largest railway station in Madrid, Spain, and one of a kind in the world. What makes Atocha so special is the stunning 4,000 square meter tropical garden the station houses under the arched skylight.
The part of the station where the greenhouse resides dates back to 1851, to the time when Atocha was inaugurated. The station was partially destroyed by fire in 1892, and after several renovation the last of which took place in 1992, the original building was taken out of service as a terminal, and converted into a concourse with shops, cafés, a nightclub and the magnificent greenhouse. Over 7,000 plants belonging to around 260 different species adorn the garden, including a pond with 22 species of fish and turtles. In the summer months, when the dry heat of Madrid seeps through the glass roof, hundreds of tiny sprinklers let off a sort of steam, giving the place a genuine look of outdoors jungle.

The Sky Blue Mushroom

The Sky Blue Mushroom
It looks like it could be something offered to Alice just before she makes a journey in to Wonderland but this sky blue mushroom is not a product of the imagination of Lewis Caroll. It can be found on both islands of New Zealand – and bizarrely enough in a few places in India.

rajasthani man married a chinese woman

A rajasthani man married a chinese woman, they had white twin babies, 

they named



nxt yr they had one black baby they named


India is a country

India is a country where : 'IDEA' is a simcard, 'LIBERTY' is a shoe, 'TRUST' is a condom And 

'FREEDOM' is a sanitary pad !! 

शिवपुर का पत्थरीजिन्न

यह कहानी है शिवपुर गांव की जहांकुछ 2 सदी पहले एक विचित्र घटना घटी | यह गांव बहुत ही शांतिपूर्ण था और यहाँ के लोग बहुत शांतिपूर्वक रहते थे | एक दिन अचानक एक जिन्न गांव में आ गया और सब तरफ दहशत फ़ैल गई | वह जिन्न कहाँ से आया और क्युं आया किसी को नहीं पता | लेकिन उसके आने से सारे गांव में बहुत डर का माहौल फ़ैल गया |

लेकिन एक दिन वहाँ कामर अली दरवेश आये | वहाँ लोगों ने उन्हें अपनी व्यथा के बारे में बताया | कामर अली दरवेश ने उस जिन्न को काबू में कर लिया और उसे एक पत्थर बना डाला | गांव वालों ने दरवेश के नाम पर एक मस्जिद बनायी जो आज भी शिवपुर में मौजूद है | वहाँ मस्जिद के बाहर आपको एक पत्थर पड़ा मिलेगा जो लोगों का मानना है कि वही जिन्न है जिसे दरवेश जी ने पत्थरबना डाला था |

इस पत्थर कि खासियत यह है कि एक अकेला व्यक्ति इसे नहीं उठा सकता , ना ही दो, चार या फिर बारह लोग| यह पत्थर सिर्फ 11 आदमी ही उठा सकते हैं और वह भी अपनी एक ऊँगली से | कुल मिलाकर 11 लोग इकट्ठे होकर अपनी ऊँगली से पत्थर को हवा में उछालते हैं | पत्थर का वज़न कुल 70 किलोग्रामहै | लेकिन 11 लोगों के बजाए यह पत्थर कोई नहीं उठा पाता |

marriage bureau..

A sign outside a marriage bureau..

'1 se 3 baje tak office band rahega'



.What is d difference between Koyla movie and Koyla scam????
Dono main hero gunga tha !!!!

Religious Thought 38

The Lord of Love is before and behind. He extends to the right and to the left. He extends above; he extends below. There is no one here but the Lord of Love. He alone is; in truth, he alone is.
- Mundaka Upanishad

All the delightful things of the world--sweet sounds, lovely forms, all the pleasant tastes and touches and thoughts--these are all agreed to bring happiness if they are not grasped and possessed. But if you regard them merely as pleasures for your own use and satisfaction and do not see them as passing wonders, they will bring suffering.
- Sutta Nipata

Do away with superfluous speech, and sacrifice what you hold dear, that His grace may utter praise of you and the heaven be envious of your exalted estate.
- Rumi

We all have a mind and a will. I may have to depend upon God in ways that Ive never depended upon Him before, but God will deliver anyone who truly wants to be delivered from any stronghold, any sin.
Charles Stanley

Provoke not one of another belief.
- Asher b. Yehiel, "Hanhaga"

अमीर की नजर में गरीबी

एक अमीर लड़की को स्कूल में गरीब परिवार पर निबंध लिखने को कहा गया।
जरा गौर फरमाइए लड़की ने क्या लिखा :

एक गरीब परिवार था, पिता गरीब, माँ गरीब, बच्चे गरीब।
परिवार में सिर्फ़ चार नौकर थे, वे भी गरीब।
स्कार्पियो कार थी वह भी टूटी हुई थी।
उनका गरीब ड्राइवर बच्चों को उसी टूटी कार में स्कूल छोड़ के आता था।
बच्चों के पास पुराने स्मार्टफ़ोन मोबाइल थे।
बच्चे हफ्ते में सिर्फ तीन बार ही होटल में खाते थे बाकी दिन घर पर।
घर में केवल दो ए सी थे और वे भी सेकंड हेंड।
सारा परिवार बड़ी मुश्किल से ऐश कर रहा था।

Queue Of Devotees

An orderly queue of the devoted: Hindu worshippers take to roads of India clad in saffron robes as they carry holy water from the Ganges to their home temples

    These amazing photographs capture the pilgrimage of the Hindu Kanwarias, devoted worshippers of Hindu God Shiva.
The Kanwarias carry metal canisters filled with holy water from the Ganges River and take a ritual journey of the roads of India
Yesterday they gathered in hundreds to walk to the revered Padilla Mahadev temple on the outskirts of Allahabad.

Holy carriage: Worshippers of Hindu God Shiva fetch holy water from the Ganger River and carry it in a ritual pilgrimage
Holy carriage: Worshippers of Hindu God Shiva fetch holy water from the Ganger River and carry it in a ritual pilgrimage
Long and winding road: The Indian Hindu Kanwarias take the water of the Ganges River back to Hindu temples in their hometowns
Long and winding road: The Indian Hindu Kanwarias take the water of the Ganges River back to Hindu temples in their hometowns
Holy walk: Hundreds of
 Kanwarias, devotees to Hindu god Shiva, traveled to Allahabad to the revered local Shiva temple as part of their pilgrimage
Holy walk: Hundreds of Kanwarias, devotees to Hindu god Shiva, traveled to Allahabad to the revered local Shiva temple as part of their pilgrimage
The Kanwarias dress in saffron colours on their pilgrimage and carry the ornately decorated canisters over their shoulders for hundreds of miles back to their home towns.
    They fetch the water as a gesture of thanksgiving to Shiva and walk for days, some braving Indian roads and highways barefoot.
    Kanwarias are named after the pole, kanwar, which they sling over their shoulders to carry their metal pots.
    In line: The Indian Hindu Kanwarias walk towards Padilla Mahadev temple wearing sarrfon
 coloured clothing and and carrying ornately decorated canisters of the sacred water of the Ganges River over their shoulders
    In line: The Indian Hindu Kanwarias walk towards Padilla Mahadev temple wearing saffron coloured clothing and and carrying the ornately decorated canisters of the sacred water of the Ganges River over their shoulders
    A worshipper touches the wall of the temple

    An Indian Hindu Kanwarias, worshipper of Hindu God Shiva, writes holy Hindu scripts on leaves
    Prayer: A Kanwarias worshipper touches the wall of the temple and another  writes holy Hindu scripts on leaves to bring on the journey and sacrifice to Shiva
    Hundreds took part in the walk yesterday, most wearing orange coloured clothing as they
 performed the holy ritual pilgrimage for Kanwarias
    Hundreds took part in the walk yesterday, most wearing orange coloured clothing as they performed the holy ritual pilgrimage for Kanwarias
    Their annual pilgrimage is known as Kanvar Yatra or Kavad Yatra and sees them visit Haridwar, Gaumukh and Gangotri in Uttarakhand to fetch holy waters of Ganges River, 
    The pilgrimage always takes during the sacred month of Shravan and has grown in popularity in recent years.
    As the numbers have grown, security measures have had to be undertaken and the rows upon rows of pilgrims are known to stop highway traffic on national Indian roads.
    Sacrifice: Metal canisters are kept on the ground outside the Padilla Mahadev temple,
 one revered among Shiva worshippers, in Allahabad, India before being offered to Shiva
    Sacrifice: Metal canisters are kept on the ground outside the Padilla Mahadev temple, one revered among Shiva worshippers, in Allahabad, India before being offered to Shiva
    Long walk home: The canisters of holy water is carried to each of the Kaniwaras' home towns for their temples
    Long walk home: The canisters of holy water is carried to each of the Kanwarias' home towns for their temples

    Early Days Secretaries

    Minuscule waists - and VERY short skirts: Secretaries from the Thirties to the Swinging Sixties reveal how office girls looked in decades past (obligitory cigarette and all)

    A series of photographs capturing secretaries at work from the Thirties through to the Swinging Sixties demonstrate some of the daring styles that were in vogue decades ago.
    From miniskirts to kitten heels, the young corporate helpmates model a range of liberating office wear while heavy eye-make up and rouged lips complete the sexually empowered style as demonstrated by characters such as Joan Holloway in the hit AMC series Mad Men.
    But it's not just the dress code that has changed over the years, and the action shots showcase a range of practices that would be frowned upon in the workplace today, such as smoking, drinking and outright flirting.

    The changing shape of women: With conical bra and cinched in waist, this Sixties secretary shows just how much women's silhouettes - and fashions - have changed over the decades
    The changing shape of women: With conical bra and cinched in waist, this Sixties secretary shows just how much women's silhouettes - and fashions - have changed over the decades

    9 Great mechanical principles..

    Here are 9 great mechanical principles and inventions,
    which show the greatness of the human mind.

    1: Opposing Pistons


    ग्राहक – लगता है आपके रेस्तरां में साफ़-सफाई का बहुत ध्यान रखा जाता है.

    मैनेजर – जी, थैंक्यू सर !

    ग्राहक – हर चीज़ से साबुन की गंध आती है. सूप से, चिकन से, सलाद से, नान से ….

    हम भी तो पानी ही डालेंगे

    एक बार संता के घर में आग लग जाती है तो फायरब्रिगेड को फोन करता है, जहां बंता फोन उठाता है, बंता कि आवाज़ सुन संता कहता है;

    संता: जल्दी आ जाओ मेरे घर आग लग गई है!

    बंता: आग लग गयी है तो पानी डाला दो?

    संता: डाला था, लेकिन फिर भी आग नहीं बुझी!

    बंता: तो फिर हम आकर क्या करेंगे, हम भी तो पानी ही डालेंगे

    में समझा था मैडम हैं!

    संता: तुम बाथरूम में क्यू घुस आए, क्या तुम्हे पता नही था की मैं नहा रहा हूँ?

    नौकर: हज़ूर ग़लती हो गयी, में समझा था मैडम हैं!

    'कुत्ते' के साथ 'शतरंज'

    संता अपने 'कुत्ते' के साथ 'शतरंज' (चेस) खेल रहा था!

    बंता: अरे वाह! तेरा कुत्ता तो बहुत समझदार है!

    संता: क्या ख़ाक समझदार है, 5 में से 3 बार तो मैं ही जीता हूँ!

    Religious Thought 37

    People shed a whole jug of tears for wife and children. They swim in tears for money. But who weeps for God? Cry to Him with a real cry.
    - Ramakrishna

    Monks, there are these three roots of evil. What three? Lust is a root of evil, hate is a root of evil, delusion is a root of evil. These are the three roots of evil.
    - Itivuttaka

    The falcon made the king's hand his joy, and became indifferent to the search for carrion. All animals from the gnat to the elephant are of the family of God and depend on Him for sustenance. What a sustainer is God!
    - Rumi

    No one can know what secret inner ripening can come from suffering and sorrow. All we know is that every individuals life is priceless - that each is dear to God.
    - Christoph Probst

    Surely the measure of divine goodness is greater than that of evil dispensation.
    - Rabbi Meir, Talmud: Sanhedrin, 100b

    Largest Swamp in the World

    The Sudd is a vast expanse of swampy lowland region in central South Sudan, formed by the river White Nile. The area which the swamp covers is one of the world's largest wetlands in the Nile basin. Its size is highly variable, averaging over 30,000 square kilometers, but during the rainy season depending on the inflowing waters, the Sudd can extend to over 130,000 square km or an area the size of England.

    Coca-Cola Museum in Atlanta

    The World of Coca-Cola is a museum in Atlanta, USA, that celebrates the history and culture of Coke, one of America's favorite soft drinks. The museum is located on a 20-acre complex across Baker Street from Centennial Olympic Park just a few blocks away from where John Pemberton initially created the formula for Coca-Cola. Next to the World of Coca-Cola is the Georgia Aquarium, another popular attraction in Atlanta city. Coke was introduced over 125 years ago in the city of Atlanta and it's corporate headquarters has remained there ever since. Initially, Coke was sold as a patent medicine for five cents a glass at soda fountains, which were popular in the United States at the time due to the belief that carbonated water was good for the health. Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. Pemberton ran the first advertisement for the beverage on May 29 of the same year in the "Atlanta Journal". Within a year, Coca-Cola was established as a company. By the time of its 50th anniversary, the soft drink had reached the status of a national icon in the USA.

    Britain’s Telephone Box Libraries

    The iconic red telephone boxes found all over the UK are beginning to disappear, but thanks to the effort of local communities and British Telecom, hundreds of them have been recycled into libraries.
    In 2002 there were 92,000 BT phone boxes on the streets of Britain. The figure has now fallen to 51,500, while just 11,000 of these are traditional red phone boxes. During the last 20 years, the company has stripped thousands of the iconic landmarks from locations across the country as people switched to using mobile phones and Internet.
    But for many towns and villages, the phone box is part of the community's history and identity. They are landmarks and an important part of the scenery and character of the village. People just don't want to have an empty space where the phone box once stood. Many communities have lobbied BT for the right to retain red phone boxes because of their historical and visual appeal.

    World’s First McDonald Restaurant

    The world's largest chain of fast food restaurants that serve around 68 million customers each day in 119 countries began operation in 1940 as a barbecue restaurant run by brothers Richard and Maurice McDonald at 1398 North E Street at West 14th Street in San Bernardino, California. The original restaurant was named "McDonald's Famous Barbeque" and served over forty barbequed items.
    In October 1948, after the McDonald brothers realized that most of their profits came from selling hamburgers, they closed down their successful carhop drive-in to establish a streamlined system with a simple menu of just hamburgers, potato chips, and orange juice. The following year, French fries and Coca-Cola were added to the menu. This simplified menu and food preparation using assembly line principles allowed them to sell hamburgers for 15 cents, or about half as much as at a sit-down restaurant.
    McDonald Brother's store in San Bernadino, California

    The Great Mara River Crossing

    The Mara River flows through Kenya and Tanzania in the continent of Africa, intersecting the migration path of wildebeest and other animals in the Serengeti-Masai Mara game reserves. Over two million animals consisting of wildebeest, zebra and gazelle migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the greener pastures of the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya during July through to October. This movement of hundreds of thousands of animals, often dubbed the Great Migration, is one of the greatest spectacles of the natural world. During their journey they have to cross the perilous Mara River that lies right across their route. The Mara River crossing is considered to be the biggest and the most dramatic of all wildlife crossings, and has been the center of many documentaries.
    The migration takes place within the Serengeti- Mara ecosystem. Strictly speaking, there is neither start nor finish as the animals circle the Serengeti- Mara ecosystem in their endless search for food and water. They spend months trekking Serengeti-Masai Plains until they reach the Mara River.
    Wildebeest arrive at the Mara River in their tens of thousands, and gather waiting to cross. For days they wait for their brothers to arrive and the numbers keep building up. Eventually the wildebeest choose a crossing point. Usually the chosen point is a fairly placid stretch of water without too much predator-concealing vegetation in the far side, although occasionally they choose seemingly suicidal places and drown in their hundreds.