10 Common Deadly Plants

1. Oleander

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants

The Nerium oleander tree is a deadly plant. It looks beautiful, but don’t be fooled. It can cause vomiting, diarrhea and pain. It can also cause a racing heart rate, poor circulation, tremors, seizures, coma and even death. This mashed seeds of this plant are commonly used in India in cases of suicide.

2. Manchineel

10 Common Deadly Plants

This, at first glance, ordinary apple tree is a tree from hell. Not only are the apples poisonous, but the entire tree. The Spanish name for this plantis “manzanilla de la muerte mening “little apple of death“.

3. Deadly Nightshade

10 Common Deadly Plants
This plant has different names: Belladonna, Devil’s Berries, and Death Cherries. The leaves and the berries are both extremely toxic. The poison is so strong that children die from eating just two berries.

4. Castor Beans

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
Even though it was used a medicine that helps digestion, the seed of this plant can kill an adult man in one minute. However, when the castor oil is made the lethal substance ricin is taken out. But if it doesn’t kill you it can make you stronger, well in this case it will make you nauseous. The other symptoms are nemesis, diarrhea, tachycardia, hypo-tension and seizures that will last a whole week.

5. Water Hemlock

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
This plant grows in Northern Hemisphere, North America and Europe. The plant’s roots contain the deadly poison that, when touched or eaten, causes grand mal seizures and death.

6. English Yew

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
One of the most toxic trees that grown in Europe. The leaves are extremely toxic. When a child takes only a couple of lives it can be deadly. The toxicity of this plant is bigger in the winter than in the summer. The toxicity of this plant was used to make poisonous arrows.

7. Rhubarb

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
The rhubarb leaves are fatal. Eating large amounts of raw or cooked leaves causes difficulties with breading, convulsions, internal bleeding, coma, and death whiting an hour.

8. Daphne

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
This incredibly beautiful plant with a lovely name can cause death. It is enough to take only a handful of these red or yellow berries that causes burning of the mouth and intestinal tract, followed by coma and usually, death.

9. Dumb Cane

10 Common Deadly Plants

Dumb Cane is a tropical plant that can be found in almost every household. If you decide to chew on the leaves of this plant you will get intense pain in the mouth and throat, excessive salivation, and in rare cases, severe swelling of the throat that can lead to strangulation.

10. Jimson Weed

10 Common Deadly Plants
10 Common Deadly Plants
The number one poisonous plant in the US is Jimson Weed. This plant was used in Jamestown, VA by settlers to poison British soldiers. They spent 11 days in a state of insanity until they came to their senses. The symptoms are abnormal thirst, vision distortions, delirium, incoherence, and coma which are often fatal.

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