Okavango - Worlds Largest Inland Delta, Botswana

Okavango - Worlds Largest Inland Delta, Botswana

It is also known as Okavango Swamp and it is located in Botswana. It owns the title of the world’s largest inland delta.

Okavango Delta forms from the water of Okavango River which creates a huge swampy area in Kalahari desert. A few of millions of years ago the Okavango River was flowing into the Lake Makgadikgadi but, due to tectonic activity, the flow has been interrupted and this caused emergence of the Okavango Delta.

The main source of the water for the delta are seasonal Angolan rains which are lasting from October to April. When the flods are most intensive, Okavango Delta covers more than 16,000 square kilometers but, during the dry period of the year, its surface is less than 9,000 square kilometers.

Unlike the other rivers which are flowing into the sea or some bigger river or lake, the Okavango River meets its dead end here creating a huge swamp. The river provides about 11 kubic kilometres of water, every year, and most of that watter is spended into evaporation and in feeding the vegetation system. A small percentage of the water is flowing into Lake Ngami.

The Okavango Delta abounds in various kinds of vegetation and animals and some of them are considered as endemic. This is the place where you could easily spot an african bush elephant, african buffalo, hipopotamus, lechwe, giraffe, Nile crocodile, lions, leopards, hyenas, antelopes, zebras etc. All this made the delta very popular tourist attraction. The most often way of visiting this place is by using traditional mokoro canoes which are best for exploring numerous waterways. There is also a number of offers where you get the opportunity to explore the area riding on the back of an elephant.

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