Greece Meteora Valley

 Meteora, "air" means. It was also significantly higher monasteries. Pindus Mountains is 549-meter-high summit of Greece who look at the valley of the river in the center of the city of Volos in Thessaly. Until the 1920s, visitors, or 30.5 meters already installed on this hillside dangerous stairs (up they retracted in the event of an invasion) or on a net and rope are forced exit fled when up. Describing the rope, but whenever you become the subject of a joke between the public had come now.

 Fileyle up still shot from materials in a way facilitating access by Kalambaka'dan performed, the First World War,
especially after the 1960s seen a huge increase the number of visitors who come here.
 Today transportation, steps carved into the rock, and by passing on yachts and bridges. Lots of monk, moved here in order to achieve privacy again. Today it serves as a museum rather than a locality. Since time immemorial, away from the pleasures of everyday life, has been one of the elements of Christianity to worship God often in isolated places. Aztecs 12 century, this region also lives in caves in the rocks, arrive at the year 1350, the main monastery finds the first coming of the founder of the Max Metereon'un. Meteora, Atos from Mount St. Atanasios judicial crossed. According to legend, the cliff was once a convent, today, on top of an angel or eagle that was out riding. Student Joasaph Serbiya son of the king, 30, or 40 years after the vakfi magnified.

 15th and 16 century, the Turks after the conquest of Thessaly, was born in the community also lives here, over 30, 17 and 18 of the but most of the century, there was no decline. 19th century, monasteries, and Burak nami would be the interest of researchers and inatci Word spread of travelers.

 His older brother, tile-roofed galleries overlooking the dizzying tastan monasteries the monks' cells are narrow, the church and the refectory was taking place. Were gathering rain water cisterns carved into the rocks. Agios Varlaam'daki translated into a cafeteria at the museum in the 1960s. Large cap and bucket, pass Meteoron'daki awkward kitchen. In both cases, the churches ucurulurken head hell and suffering of the martyrs, cekiclenirken, stabbed, while the frescoes depicting full. An isolated monastery of Agios Nikolaos, made ​​by an artist named Cretel 16 Theophanis century frescoes are found. Monasteries exclusive only to men, although there was also where the nuns. One of them, the last bridge Booted Agios Stephanos yielded an alarming canyon.

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