Religious Thought 210

"When a person is sleeping soundly, free from dreams, with a still mind, that is the Self, fearless and deathless. That is Brahman, the supreme."
- Chandogya Upanishad

Life has no whence; it is carrying forth, and carrying forth again. Death has no whither; it is carrying away; and carrying away again. Ultimately how is it? If the mind does not differ, myriad things are one suchness.
- Dgen, "Rational Zen"

Once Luqman was asked how he had attained such merit. He replied, "By adhering to virtue, by fulfilling all pledges, and by giving up futile apprehensions."
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Malek bin Hawari

When Christ entered our world, he didn't come to brighten our Decembers, but to transform our lives.
- Rich Miller

It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.
- Psalm 118:8

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