Religious Thought 145

A learned man's learning shines the brightest among luminaries capable of critiquing his language. Speaking to an audience of thinking men is like watering a bed of growing plants.
- Tirukkural 72: 717-718

I am the Word of God living through His Essence. I am the Food of the soul, the Spirit of purity. I am the Fountain of the Water of Life. I deliver the lovers of God from death. If your greed had not raised such a stench, God would have poured a remedy of water on your graves. I accept the warning of the Sage; I will not allow my heart to be sickened by ridicule.
- Rumi

I know that the more I humble myself to others, the broader my understanding of God has actually become.
- Francis Frangipane

Martyrdom has always been a proof of the intensity, never of the correctness, of a belief.
- Arthur Schnitzler, "Buch der Spruche und Bedenken"

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