Religious Thought 141

But truly great souls seek my divine nature. They worship me with a one-pointed mind, having realized that I am the eternal source of all. Constantly striving, they make firm their resolve and worship me without wavering. Full of devotion, they sing my divine glory.
- Bhagavad Gita 9:13-14

Regard him as one who points out treasure, the wise one who seeing your faults rebukes you. Stay with this sort of sage. For the one who stays with a sage of this sort, things get better, not worse.
- Dhammapada, 6, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu.

Renunciation of the world does not constitute wearing coarse clothes and eating stale bread. Real renunciation lies in curbing desires.
- Hadith reported by Sufyan Thawri

It is necessary for us to suffer patiently the dark night of sorrow and death, if we are to enter the brilliant new light of Easter...
- Unknown?

The Divine Presence is everywhere.
- Hoshaia Rabba. Talmud: Baba Bathra

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