Religious Thought 137

Should the heavens dry up, worship here of the heavenly ones In festivals and daily rites would wither. Unless the heavens grant their gifts, neither the giver's generosity Nor the ascetic's aloofness will grace this wide world. No life on earth can exist without water, And the ceaseless flow of that water cannot exist without rain.
- Tirukkural 2:18-20

The Buddha said: "When a person has thoroughly understood the world, from top to bottom, when there is nothing in the world that agitates him anymore, then he has become somebody who is free from confusion and fears and tremblings and the longings of desire. He has gone beyond getting old and beyond birth and death."
- Sutta Nipata

In the sight of Love, fear isn't even as great as a single hair: in the law of Love, everything is offered as a sacrifice.
- Rumi

You don't have to be alone in your hurt! Comfort is yours. Joy is an option. And it's all been made possible by your Savior.
- Joni Eareckson Tada

Shammai said: Receive all people cheerfully.
- Ethics of the Fathers 1:15

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