Saint Michel d'Aiguilhe–Chapel on a Volcanic Plug

The Chapel of Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe is a fascinating little pilgrimage chapel perched atop a rocky needle of volcanic formation jutting dramatically high into the sky, at a place near Le Puy-en-Velay in France. The basalt needle on which the chapel is built rises approximately 280 feet, and is reached by 268 stone steps that wind their way up the side of the rock. The chapel is surrounded by a walkway that provides a beautiful view of the city with its Puy Notre Dame Cathedral and the old bridge crossing the cusps terminal .
The chapel was built in 962, but the rock needle itself has been a sacred place for thousands of years: a prehistoric dolmen was built there and the Romans dedicated it to Mercury before the Christians built a chapel to St. Michael.
The Chapel was built by the bishop of Puy to celebrate the return of St. Michael who was on pilgrimage to Saint Jacques de Compostela. It was a simple shrine built on a central plan: a square sanctuary a tiny apsidole on each side. This original sanctuary and two of the apsidoles still survive today. The chapel attracted many pilgrims, especially since Le Puy was the starting point for one of the main routes to Santiago de Compostela.

Chefchaouen, the Blue City of Morocco

Chefchaouen is a small charming city of about 40,000 inhabitants located in northeastern Morocco near the Mediterranean Sea. Situated in the heart of Morocco's Rif Mountains, Chefchaouen is a tourist’s delight with affordable accommodations, and above all, a picturesque town set against the dramatic backdrop of the Rif Mountains filled with white-washed homes with distinctive, powder-blue accents.
Chefchaouen was painted blue by the Jewish refugees who lived there during the 1930's. The beauty of Chefchaouen's mountainous surroundings are enhanced by the contrast of the brightly painted medina (old town). It is this beauty and the relaxed atmosphere of the town that makes Chefchaouen very attractive to visitors. The main square in the medina is lined with cafes and filled to the brim with locals and tourist mingling easily. Another reason why backpackers love Chefchaouen is the easy availability of drugs. Tourism in Chaouen is driven by its reputation as center of the marijuana plantations region in North Morocco. During the summer approximately two hundred hotels cater to the influx of European tourists.

गणित का टेस्ट

एक बार संता अपने बेटे पप्पू का गणित का टेस्ट ले रहा होता है;

संता: बेटा 5 के बाद क्या आता है?

पप्पू: 6, 7!

संता: वाह, मेरा बेटा तो बड़ा होशियार है, और 6, 7 के बाद क्या आता है?

पप्पू: 8, 9, 10!

संता: शाबाश, और उसके बाद क्या आता है?

पप्पू: गुलाम, बेगम, बादशाह!............

Investment matters

A man got two wishes from God, He asked for the best Drink and Best Woman...

The next moment he got Bisleri and Mother Teresa..

Moral of the story - Investment matters are subject to market risks, So please read the offer documents carefully before investing!!