The Fantasy World of Ants by Andrey Pavlov

Russian photographer Andrey Pavlov has produced a whimsical photo-series entitled 'ant tales', where he choreographed ants in various moments of the bug’s everyday life using props Pavlov crafted from raw materials such as berries or nut shells. Andrey Pavlov spends hours setting up fairytale scenes. He studied ants, and saw that they all follow a very specific path when they’re working. So he put his props on their trail, and photographed the insects interacting with his miniature 'stage sets'.
Each photo is taken at especially close range by the artist, documenting his insect neighbors near his rural home in their natural environment.
The photographer explained: 'For the last seven years I have always had my camera with me, but it was only when I had children and started reading them fairytales that I realized it was something I never did as a child. That's when I decided to make up for it and start creating some fairytales of my own. I used to work in theatre which was a big help when it came to making props, and I chose ants because I respect them and their way of life. They care about their children and look after the elderly. They have lived for millions of years. I take my inspiration from humans but luckily for me ants are quite inquisitive, which seems to make them very willing participants.'

Diamond Head Volcanic Crater, Hawaii

Diamond Head, located on the eastern edge of Waikiki's coastline, is a famous volcanic crater and the most recognized landmark of Hawaii. Diamond Head is known in Hawaiian as Le’ahi meaning "brow (lea) of the yellowfin tuna (ahi)." It got its English name in the late 1700's when British seamen saw calcite crystals sparkling in the sunshine and thought they had found diamonds.
This broad, saucer-shaped crater was formed about 150,000 years ago during a single, explosive eruption that sent ash and fine particles in the air. As these materials settled, they cemented together into a rock called tuff, creating the crater, and which is visible from the trail in the park. Most of the vegetation and birds were introduced in the late 1800s to early 1900s. The crater is 3,520 feet in diameter with a 760-foot summit.
When the United States annexed Hawaii in 1898, harbor defense became a main responsibility. One of the major defense forts, Fort Ruger, occupied the Diamond Head Crater. An observation deck was constructed at the summit in 1910 to provide target sighting and a four level underground complex was built within the walls of the crater as a command post. A 580-foot tunnel was dug through the crater wall to provide easier access to the Fort. A battery of canons was located within the crater providing complete concealment and protection from invading enemies. The observation deck and underground complex is now abandoned with the advent of radar but evidence of the command post is still present along Diamond Head Trail.
Diamond Head is now a popular tourist spot and hiking destination. A 1.1-km hike leads to the edge of the crater's rim. Signs at the trailhead say that the hike takes 1.5–2 hours round-trip, and recommends that hikers bring water. Although not difficult, the signs also say that the hike is not a casual one: the mostly unpaved trail winds over uneven rock, ascends 74 steps, then through a tunnel and up another steep 99 steps. Next is a small lighted tunnel to a narrow spiral staircase (about 30 steps) inside a coastal artillery observation platform built in 1908. From the summit above the observation platform both Waikiki and the Pacific Ocean can be seen in detail.
The volcano is a symbol of the worldwide recognition of the Hawaiian Islands. Many souvenirs from Hawaii and surf shop logos around the world bear the volcano's distinctive silhouette.
View from Diamond Head Rim. Photo credit
Diamond Head Lighthouse. Photo credit
Diamond Head Landmark. Photo credit
Diamond Head Frontal View. 

10 Public Romantic Disasters

Imagine being embarrassed or betrayed in your relationship, by the person whom you’ve confided your most intimate self to, to whom you are devoting what is meant to be a meaningful fraction of your life.  It is a prospect so terrifying, that millions of people all over the world don’t dare even approach another person out of the fear it go will go wrong in some way, even though one of the things they want most in the world is the end of their loneliness.

Now imagine that you’ve not only been embarrassed, you were embarrassed in front of the world.  History will record your humiliation and for years, decades, or centuries, people will talk about what happened to you!
Okay, now have some voyeuristic pleasure at these stories of this happening to someone else.

10.  John Ruskin & Euphemia Gray

This couple married in 1848, into an era when Ruskin’s rather disastrous issues didn’t come up until way too late.  As Gray would later say of their honeymoon, “he thought a woman was something other than what I was.”  As such, Gray filed for an annulment where her husband’s phobia of female anatomy was dragged into the public eye and, when it was granted, she remarried and had eight children with the artist John Millais.  Millais, it so happened, was doing a portrait of Ruskin when his ex-wife married him.  So Ruskin had the extra humiliation of cutting a large check and sitting silently in front of the man who married the woman who made him an international laughing stock.

Baby Yoga!?

51-year-old Elena Fokina – Russian gymnastics teacher, now living in Dahab, – shows a new trend in yoga and fitness – baby yoga. These activities consist of twisting and turning children in various ways(and heights)…
Baby Yoga!?   awesome 2

The First Mass Commercial Internet Spam Campaign is Launched

April 12, 1994
On April 12, 1994, the world’s first mass commercial internet spam campaign was launched when husband and wife immigration lawyer team, Laurence Canter and Martha Siegel, who had previously been subject to disciplinary action for unscrupulous practices  and had been thrown out of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, used a Perl script to post a spam message to over 5,500 message boards on Usenet in about 90 minutes.  The purpose of this mass spamming was to advertise the two’s services to help people fill out and submit appropriate forms to enter the “Green Card lottery”, a.k.a., the Diversity Immigrant Visa lottery.
According to Canter, the script worked as follows: “…a Perl script, that just pulled the names of all the newsgroups off a particular server and, just one at a time, sent the message to them through the various Internet protocols that were in wide use at the time.”
Aside from the mass spamming itself being somewhat exploitative, they also charged $95 (individual) or $145 (couple) for their services in helping people enter the lottery.  While this may sound reasonable enough to have a lawyer fill out a form for you, it should be noted that at the time all one really needed to do to enter the lottery was to mail a postcard or letter with your name and address on it to the designated U.S. Department of State address within the time period they were accepting entries.

Software Engineer's Life

Software Engineer's Life 

Before The Interview
After The Interview

Discuss It With Mom

Got The Offer Letter

First Day at Work

Work Assined

Introduction Call With The Client

Error In Code,Oh God Why me?

Fixed It ,Cool

Issued Simulated Again

Fixes Applied,And Working

Think I Need To Marry Soon

Hoooo,HR Girl Has Accepted To Marry me

Wow My Life is Going To Be Settled

Marriage Day

After Marriage I Am Missing My Job Think. That Job Is Better Than Marriage.

Are you Quallified to be a Professional?

The following quiz consists of four questions that tell you whether or not you are qualified to be a professional.
The questions are not that difficult. You just need to think like a professional.
Scroll down for the answers.

1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

Strong Man Dai Guohong

Dai Guohong from China lost his legs in 2008 during the Wenchuan earthquake when the roof of his school fell on him and buried him and 52 of his classmates. Only 26 of them survived. But Dai Guohong never gave up. He started swimming and succeeded. Now he is preparing for 2012 London Paralympics.

Life expectancy calculator

Kinda fun to watch your age go up and down as you answer the questions.

Now this is interesting, give it a try....

How long will you live?
This is a calculator that estimates your life expectancy.

It was developed by Northwestern Mutual Life.
It's interesting that there are only 13 questions.
Yet, they say that they can predict how long you're likely to live.


I sometimes quote others
To better express myself

Today is before me, and I can make progress. I will begin
With a quiet prayer and a moment of meditation.
~ Unknown

Art with a humble pen by Joe Fenton

This is no doodle - it's a huge work of art created with a humble pen by an artist who definitely isn't quick on the draw.

बर्फीली चट्टान ने नहीं इस 'शक्ति' ने डुबोया था टाइटेनिक को..!

उत्तरी अटलांटिक में बर्फीली चट्टान से टकराकर टाइटेनिक जहाज के डूबने में चांद ने महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाई थी। खगोलविदों के अनुसार, साउथम्पटन से न्यूयार्क की अपनी पहली यात्रा पर निकले आलीशान जहाज टाइटेनिक के साथ उस खौफनाक हादसे का कारण 1400 साल में एक बार धरती के चांद के बेहद करीब आने की घटना रही।

डेली मेल अखबार के अनुसार, यह चांद के जीवन में एक बार होने वाली परिघटना थी जिससे 12 जनवरी 1912 को उंची समुद्री लहर उठी थी। इस कारण तीन माह पहले बर्फ की एक घातक चट्टान कमजोर पड़कर लेब्राडोर और न्यूफाउलैंड के तटों के उथले पानी से अलग हो गई और उसकी चपेट में आने से 14 अप्रैल 1912 को टाइटेनिक के साथ हादसा हो गया। इसमें करीब 1500 लोग मारे गए थे।

अध्ययन दल के नेता डोनाल्ड ओल्सन के अनुसार, ‘यह घटना 1400 साल से अधिक समय में धरती के सबसे करीब चांद के होने की थी और उसने धरती के समुद्रों पर लहरें पैदा करने की चांद की ताकत बढ़ा दी।’ आमतौर पर बर्फीली चट्टान अपनी जगह पर कायम रहती है और काफी अधिक पिघलने तक अथवा उंची लहरों से अलग होने तक तैरते हुए दक्षिण की दिशा में तेजी से नहीं तैरती हैं और इस प्रक्रिया में कई साल लग जाते हैं।

‘जब बर्फीली चट्टान दक्षिण की ओर यात्रा करती है, वह अक्सर लेब्राडोर और न्यूफाउलैंड के तटों पर उथले पानी में ठहर जाती हैं। लेकिन जब बहुत तेज लहरें उठती हैं तो वह तैरकर दक्षिण की ओर तेजी से जाने लगती हैं।’

ओस्लो ने कहा, ‘निसंदेह, दुर्घटना का वास्तविक कारण बर्फीली चट्टान से जहाज का टकराना रहा लेकिन चंद्रमा का घटना से जुड़ना दर्शाता है कि बड़ी संख्या में बर्फीली चट्टानें टाइटेनिक के रास्ते में आ गई।’

MAY BE.....

1. Maybe. . we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. 
2. Maybe. . . when the door of happiness closes, another opens; but, often times, we look so long at the closed door that we don't even see the new one which has been opened for us.
3. Maybe. . .it is true that we don't know what we have until we lose it, but it is also true that we don't know what we have been missing until it arrives.

Clouds That Look Like Things

Spotting shapes in clouds is a delightful way to pass a lazy afternoon. There's even a society dedicated to cloud spotting. It’s called theCloud Appreciation Society, founded by Gavin Pretor-Pinney to foster understanding and appreciation of clouds, and to fight “blue sky thinking”.
A clear blue sky has always been associated with good, happy weather – a perfect summer’s day, while cloudy skies are regarded as a metaphor for doom. Nothing could be more depressing, it seems, than to have ‘a cloud on the horizon’. Gavin Pretor-Pinney decided that this has to stop. “Someone needs to stand up for the clouds”, he says. So in 2004, he started the Cloud Appreciation Society and few months later launched a website. People sent in their cloud photograph, which he put up on the gallery pages for others to look at. The early trickle of submission soon swelled to a torrent. Today, it has over 29,000 members worldwide from 83+ different countries, and many thousands of amazing images.
Below is a collection of some of the most peculiar cloud formations.

The Book Art of Cara Barer

Texas based photographer Cara Barer uses old phone books, computer manuals, maps, and comic books to create hypnotic sculptures, which she then photographs.
Cara Barer‘s inspiration came when she saw a rain-soaked Yellow Pages lying on the ground. She photographed its intricately bent pages and soon began the search for more books, and more methods to change their appearance. She realized she owned many books that were no longer of use to her or to anyone else. She soaked the manual for “Windows 95” in the bathtub for a few hours, and gave it a new shape and purpose. Half Price Books became a regular haunt, and once an abandoned house gave her a set of outdated reference books, complete with mold and neglect.
Barer seems to have no problem acquiring large reference books. “Half a century ago, students researched at home with the family set of encyclopedias, or took a trip to the library to find needed information. Now, owning a computer, and connecting to the internet gives a student the ability to complete a research paper without ever going near a library”, she said. “I fear that it is rapidly leading us to rely less and less on the reference books common in the last two centuries.”
“With the discarded books that I have acquired, I am attempting to blur the line between objects, sculpture, and photography. This project has become a journey that continues to evolve.”