Religious Thought 119

All those who take refuge in me, whatever their birth, race, sex, or caste, will attain the supreme goal; this realization can be attained even by those whom society scorns. Kings and sages too seek this goal with devotion. Therefore, having been born in this transient and forlorn world, give all your love to me.
- Bhagavad Gita

Subhuti asked: "You say, Honored One, that a follower of the way does not need to build up goodness and happiness. Why is that?" The Buddha replied: "Subhuti, a true follower will express goodness and happiness but will not be caught up in the concepts of goodness and happiness. Thats why I say that he does not need to build up goodness and happiness, which would only be concept traps, for goodness and happiness will be there without any idea of them."
- Diamond Sutra

The bottom of the river is full of jewels. Take heed! Do not make the water turbid. The spirit of man is like the air: when dust surrounds it the sky is veiled. Notwithstanding such a state of darkness, God made visions to help you find the road to redemption.
- Rumi

I believe very confidently in the truth of Scripture, where it says that there is no authority, no power given to man except as given by God.
Steven Curtis Chapman

A good man does not sell his beast to a cruel person.
- Medieval Sefer Hasidim

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