Religious Thought 112

Brahman cannot be realized by those Who are subject to greed, fear, and anger. Brahman cannot be realized by those Who are subject to the pride of name and fame Or to the vanity of scholarship. Brahman cannot be realized by those Who are enmeshed in life's duality. But to all those who pierce this duality, Whose hearts are given to the Lord of Love, He gives himself through his infinite grace, He gives himself through his infinite grace.
- Tejabindu Upanishad

If those who are like wanton children Are by nature prone to injure others, What point is there in being angry-- Like resenting fire for its heat?
- Bodhicaryavatara

God is knowledge; he is knowing; and he is being known. Since God has knowledge of his own essence, and since God is one, it follows that the essence of God is knowledge. And knowledge means that he knows himself, and is known by himself.
- Ibn Sina, al-Risalat al-Arshiya

Our critical day is not the very day of our death, but the whole course of our life; I thank him, that prays for me when my bell tolls; but I thank him much more, that catechizes me, or preaches to me, or instructs me how to live.
- John Donne

It is good to make a habit of inspiring yourself with a melodyFor the loftiness of melody is beyond all measure.
- Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav

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