Religious Thought 096

As for those who seek the transcendental Reality, without name, without form, contemplating the Unmanifested, beyond the reach of thought and of feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and striving for the good of all beings, they too will verily come unto me.
- Bhagavad Gita

Don't associate with bad friends. Don't associate with the low. Associate with admirable friends. Associate with the best.
- Dhammapada 78, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

You seek knowledge from books, ridiculous! You seek pleasure from sweets, ridiculous! You are the sea of knowledge hidden in a dewdrop; You are the universe hidden in a body three yards long.
- Rumi
- Mathnawi [V, 3578-3579]

I must take care, on the one hand, never to despise, or be unthankful for, these earthly blessings, and on the other, never to mistake them for the something else of which they are only a kind of copy, or echo, or mirage.
- C.S. Lewis

To atone is to be at one with God, to sink self into the not-self, to achieve a mystic unity with the source of being, wiping out all error and finding peace in self-submergence.
- Isaac Goldberg, "The Wonder of Words"

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