Religious Thought 087

Prosperity is not for the envious, Nor is greatness for men of impure conduct.
- Tirukkural 14:135

Our very nature is Buddha, and apart from this nature there is no other Buddha.
- The Sutra of Hui Neng

Bereft of life, bereft of knowledge, bereft of power and will, how shall I describe my state? For I do not exist, only He exists. I am deaf; the bearer is He. I am blind; the seer is He. I am mute; the orator is He. I do not exist; only He exists.
- Shah Kamal, "Islamic Sufism"

Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ.
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Man's good deeds are single acts in the long drama of redemption.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel, "The Earth Is the Lord's"

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