Religious Thought 080

Whatever you are doing, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, or saying, realize your essential nature as pure Consciousness. This is the way to liberation.
- Maharamayana

Clearly, buddha-dharma is not practiced for one's own sake, and even less for the sake of fame and profit. Just for the sake of buddha-dharma you should practice it. All buddhas' compassion and sympathy for sentient beings are neither for their own sake nor for the sake of others. It is just the nature of buddha-dharma.
- Dogen, "Moon in a Dewdrop"

Once a rich merchant, seeing Rabi'a's house falling into disrepair, gave her a thousand pieces of gold and a new house. ...Immediately she returned the money to the merchant and said, "I fear I will become attached to this house and will no longer be able to occupy myself with the other world. My only desire is to be of service to God."
- Rabi'a, "Rabi'a the Mystic"

It's in the difficult times that we're growing and you can't just rebuke everything hard. Weve got to endure it and fight the good fight of faith and pass the test.
- Joel Osteen

A small act done modestly is a thousand-fold more acceptable to God than a big act done in pride.
- Orhot Tzaddikim, 15C

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