Religious Thought 077

People weep for their spouses, their children, and their wealth, but who weeps for God? While a child is engrossed with its toys its mother attends to her household duties, but when the child throws the toys aside and screams for its mother, then the mother puts down her cooking pot and takes the child in her arms.
- Ramakrishna

Before the cosmic net is spread, how can its thousands of pearls be seen? When it is suddenly raised by its universal rope, the myriad eyes spontaneously open.
- Tsao-tang

Hidden creatures good and bad always touch the heart. The touch of the angel is inspiration; Satanic touches temptations untold. Tarry with patience until your confusion is resolved and you know whom you rejected and who became the leader of your heart.
- Rumi
- Rumi, "Mathnawi"

Let the Bible fill the memory, rule the heart and guide the feet.
- Henrietta Mears

A truly generous man is he that always gives, whether it be much or little, before he is asked.
- Orchot Tsadiqim

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