Religious Thought 61

When the Self is known, All illusions vanish. The veil falls, And you see clearly. Your sorrows are dispelled. For the Self is free And lives forever. Everything else is imagination, Nothing more! Because he understands this, The master acts like a child.
- Ashtavakra Gita 18:6-7

Although a suspicious mind is bad, still it is wrong to cling to what you shouldn't believe in, or to fail to ask about a truth you should seek.
- Dogen

Lord! I seek refuge in You from adversities, weaknesses, indolence, cowardice, avarice, indebtedness, and being victimized by the populace.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad, as reported by Anas bin Malik

So you have failed? You cannot fail. You have not failed; you have gained experience. Forward!
- St. Josemara Escriv

Neglect not to visit and treat the poor; there is no nobler work.
- Israeli, Manhig HaRofim

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