Religious Thought 079

Being touched by one's children is a delight to the body, And listening to them chatter is a joy to the ear.
- Tirukkural 65

When desires go, joy comes. The follower of Buddha finds this truth.
- The Buddha

Junayd received many gifts; and he decided that he would pass the next gift to the barber. Soon afterwards he was sent a bag of gold from Basra; and he took it to the barber. 'What is this?' the barber asked. Junayd replied: 'I decided to pass my next gift to you; and this is it.' The barber exclaimed: 'Have you no shame? You asked me to cut your hair for the sake of God; and now you offer me money! No one can do something for the sake of God, and then take payment for it.'
- Attar, "Junayd"

Hearts on earth say in the course of a joyful experience, I dont want this to ever end. The hearts of those in heaven say, I want this to go on forever. And it will. There is no better news than this.
- J.I. Packer

Reason is a spark kindled by the beating of our heart.
- Apocrypha: Wisdom of Solomon 2:2

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