Religious Thought 072

AUM has three sounds. Those who meditate on A Come back to earth, led by the Rig Veda, To lead a pure life, full of faith and love. Those who meditate on the first two sounds, A and U, led by the Yajur Veda, Go to the lunar world, full of pleasure, From which they come back cloyed to earth again. But those who meditate on A, U, and M Are led by the Sama chants to the sun, Where freed from sin, as a snake sheds its skin, They see the supreme Lord, who lives in all.
- Prashna Upanishad

'I have sons, I have wealth'- the fool torments himself. When even he himself doesn't belong to himself, how then sons? How wealth?
- Dhammapada, 62, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

Your will be done, my Lord, my Messiah! Your will be done, my desire, my aspiration! O essence of my being, my goal, my religion! O all of my all, my hearing, my sight!
- Al-Hallaj, Mansur, "The Kashf al-Mahjub"

Life is a lighthouse guiding those who are lost, true hope shines on, and even in blackest darkness cannot overcome the power of its light.
- Kim Miller

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