KBC is Good Business

You all know KBC is Good Business. But have you ever pondered 

how well?????

Any guesses?????

Let's see ……..

Airtel is charging Rs.6/- per SMS sent for this contest. Assuming 

there are 
only 100 entries from

say 10 cities of some 20 districts and 20 states ….....

6(Rs. per SMS) x 100(entries) x 10(cities) x 20(districts) x 20(states)
i.e. = 6 x 100 x 10 x 20 x 20 =

Rs.24, 00,000/-.

Rs.24 lakhs in just 20 minutes (from people trying for the Rs.2 lakhs cash
prize). Imagine the

scenario if 1000 entries try out from 100 cities?

The figure simply grows by 2 more zeroes and yields a whopping Rs.24 crores

And it does not stop there. In practice, it could be another multiple of
100 or a multiple of 1000 on

an average. In that case, it is 24 x 100 crores earnings in just 20 minutes
on every episode!!!

And the prize money: A mere Rs.2 crores !!!!! (and from whose pocket ?????)

Smart Business By Siddharth Basu! And the best part of the above
calculation is just the SMS

earning!!!!! What about the Ad money ?????

A rough annual profit calculation goes like this:

(2400 x 5 x 4) (episode/month) x 12 = Rs.5, 76,000 crores.

Let even 50% get dissolved in taxes and other payments; still, you will be
left with (which includes even the meagre Rs.480 crores of prize money,
i.e., if every episode bags Rs.2 crores prize) – Rs.2,88,000/- crores
profit !!!!! (Only from SMS).

Therefore, a Very Simple Question: "KAUN BANEGA CROREPATI" and your options
are –





Computerji, iska jawab bataiye....

Answer: All FOUR..!!!!

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