Interesting & Amazing Information On Raccoons

Interesting & Amazing Information On Raccoons
  • The physical description of raccoon entails their striped face and ringed nail. They have a dense underfur, which protects them against cold and accounts for about 90% of the grayish coat sported by them. The most characteristic features of raccoons are their nimble front paws and facial mask, which are also found as themes in the mythology of many Native American tribes.
  • The studies conducted on raccoons have established them as very intelligent creatures. They remember how to solve tasks for up to a period of 3 years.
  • Raccoons are associated with traits like curiosity, cleverness and sharpness. They are solitary creatures, who can live in a variety of habitats and have a flexible diet, mainly consisting of about 40% invertebrates, 33% plant foods and 27% vertebrates.
  • The female raccoons mate with only one male in one season and generally tend to avoid other males in that season. Usually, mating begins in the winter months and may continue till June.
  • The young raccoons are born in born in a nest of leaves, in a hollow tree or log, made by the female. They grow quickly, but are blind in the first 3 weeks. They receive exclusive care from their mother, who teaches them to hunt and climb trees.
  • The raccoons hunt while swimming, catching fish, crayfish, frogs, turtles, and turtle eggs to feed themselves. They catch mice and muskrats along the banks of streams and rivers and search the woodlands for insects, nuts, fruits, young birds and bird eggs.
  • The raccoon is considered to be a pest in some areas, where it raids the poultry and eats corns and other crops. It is also found in more populated areas, where it scavenges for food.
  • Raccoons have been hunted for their furred skin since long. Some time back, their skin was considered so valuable in U.S that it could even be exchanged as currency. They are also killed as they damage crops and poultry. Raccoons have also been introduced in other countries, like Europe and Russia, for their fur.

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