Religious Thought 49

Since the seed does not contain anything other than the seed, even the flowers and the fruits are of the same nature as the seed: the substance of the seed is the substance of subsequent effects, too. Even so, the homogenous mass of cosmic consciousness does not give rise to anything other than what it is in essence. When this truth is realized, duality ceases.
- Yoga Vasishtha

If you really want to deal with birth and death, just avoid drifting off under any circumstances, whether you are dressing or eating, attending the calls of nature, walking, standing, sitting, or lying down. Be like someone who sees a ferocious tiger, totally engrossed in getting away and escaping with his life. Or be like someone on a battle front, who only wants to kill the leader of a rebellion only when he has taken the leaders head can he rest. Why bother with grasping and rejection, purity and defilement, profane and sacred, right and wrong, and so on? Otherwise, its all a waste of effort-when will peace ever be attained? If you work in this way, it has some relevance to birth and death; otherwise, its all contrivance, without benefit on the way. A former teacher said, Dont get stuck in small successes, you must reach the state of the ancients before you attain freedom in life and death. Otherwise it is all something on the shore of birth and death; theres really no end in sight.
- Chien-ju

In the name of God, Most gracious most merciful; Praise be to God, The cherisher and sustainer of the worlds; Most gracious, most merciful; Master of the day of judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.
- Sura Fateha (1:1-5)

When it is a question of God's almighty Spirit, never say, "I can't."
- Oswald Chambers

He who is merciful when he should be cruel will in the end be cruel when he should be merciful.
- Midrash Samuel

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