Religious Thought 39

The story of your dishonor will be repeated endlessly: and for a man of honor, dishonor is worse than death. These brave warriors will think you are withdrawn from battle out of fear, and those who formerly esteemed you will treat you with disrespect. Your enemies will ridicule your strength and say things that should not be said. What could be more painful than this?
- Bhagavad Gita 2:34-36

This robe of freedom from cold isn't matched by ordinary clothes. This concentration free of hunger is unequaled by ordinary meat and beer. This draught at the stream of enlightenment isn't matched by ordinary drink. This satisfaction born within isn't equaled by ordinary treasure.
- Milarepa, "Drinking the Mountain Stream"

When the two hosts saw each other, the people of Moses said, We are indeed overtaken. Moses said, By no means! My Lord is with me, and He will guide me.
- The Poets 26:61-62

Learn to know Christ and him crucified. Learn to sing to him, and say, "Lord Jesus, you are my righteousness, I am your sin. You have taken upon yourself what is mine and given me what is yours. You have become what you were not so that I might become what I was not."
- Martin Luther

A little light will dispel much darkness.
- Isaachar Eilenburg, Tzeda LaDerek

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