Religious Thought 38

The Lord of Love is before and behind. He extends to the right and to the left. He extends above; he extends below. There is no one here but the Lord of Love. He alone is; in truth, he alone is.
- Mundaka Upanishad

All the delightful things of the world--sweet sounds, lovely forms, all the pleasant tastes and touches and thoughts--these are all agreed to bring happiness if they are not grasped and possessed. But if you regard them merely as pleasures for your own use and satisfaction and do not see them as passing wonders, they will bring suffering.
- Sutta Nipata

Do away with superfluous speech, and sacrifice what you hold dear, that His grace may utter praise of you and the heaven be envious of your exalted estate.
- Rumi

We all have a mind and a will. I may have to depend upon God in ways that Ive never depended upon Him before, but God will deliver anyone who truly wants to be delivered from any stronghold, any sin.
Charles Stanley

Provoke not one of another belief.
- Asher b. Yehiel, "Hanhaga"

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