Religious Thought 37

People shed a whole jug of tears for wife and children. They swim in tears for money. But who weeps for God? Cry to Him with a real cry.
- Ramakrishna

Monks, there are these three roots of evil. What three? Lust is a root of evil, hate is a root of evil, delusion is a root of evil. These are the three roots of evil.
- Itivuttaka

The falcon made the king's hand his joy, and became indifferent to the search for carrion. All animals from the gnat to the elephant are of the family of God and depend on Him for sustenance. What a sustainer is God!
- Rumi

No one can know what secret inner ripening can come from suffering and sorrow. All we know is that every individuals life is priceless - that each is dear to God.
- Christoph Probst

Surely the measure of divine goodness is greater than that of evil dispensation.
- Rabbi Meir, Talmud: Sanhedrin, 100b

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