Religious Thought 31

Let us all be brave enough to die the death of a martyr, but let no one lust for martyrdom.
- Mahatma Gandhi, 1927

Leave the mind in its natural, undisturbed state. Don't follow thoughts of "This is a problem, that is a problem!" Without labeling difficulties as problems, leave your mind in its natural state. In this way, you will stop seeing miserable conditions as problems."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche, "Transforming Problems Into Happiness"

The wealth of this world consists of treasures to which there are keys. But blessed is the one whom the Almighty makes a key to the world of good, but a lock to contain evil.
- Hadith The Prophet Muhammad (SAW), as reported by Sahl bin Sa'ad

I cannot forget my mother. She is my bridge. When I needed to get across, she steadied herself long enough for me to run across safely.
- Renita Weems

When the rabbis speak of paradise and hell...these are only metaphors for the agony of sin and the happiness of virtue.
- Kaufmann Kohler, "Jewish Theology"

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