Magical Illusion By Rob Gonsalves

Magic and practicality the two don’t actually competition, do they? But Rob Gonsalves, a Canadian painter of the supernatural practicality, demonstrate huge skills in amalgamation the two dissimilar worlds in his only one of its kind and surrealistic optical delusion artworks. Enthused by such huge artists as Dali, Tanguy, Magritte and Escher, Gonsalves urbanized his have possession of unique method by unite his architectural knowledge with the feel affection for for painting. A wise use of perspective and associations allow him to merge two seemingly dissimilar realistic scenes into one magical illusion. Rob Gonsalves is frequently inspired by the outside world and everyday human activities like riding a bike, eating, undeveloped etc. But to make it magical takes a notable amount of time, so usually Gonsalves make only four paintings per year. Check out these inspirational images.
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