Religious Thought 27

Though it seems a harmless gauge of time, a day, To those who fathom its form, is a saw steadily cutting the tree of life.
- Tirukkural 34: 334

This is the work of those who are skilled and peaceful, who seek the good: May they be able and upright, straightforward, of gentle speech and not proud. May they be content and easily supported, unburdened, with their senses calmed. May they be wise, not arrogant and without desire for the possessions of others. May they do nothing mean or that the wise would reprove. May all things be happy. May they live in safety and joy.
- Metta Suta

Firmness of heart is needed for achievement, but a firm friend does not lack friends. Be a firm friend, that you may find friends innumerable; for without friends you will be left helpless. Generally the wolf seizes his prey at the moment when a year-old sheep has strayed alone from the flock.
- Rumi

The glory of Christianity is to conquer by forgiveness.
- William Blake

The six days of war must receive their ultimate meaning from the seventh day, which is peace and celebration.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel

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