Religious Thought 14

In the light of the Sun there is no difference between day and night. In the light of the Supreme Truth there is no difference between Shiva and Shakti.
- Jnaneshwar (also known as Jnanadeva)

To my mind, democracy is more compassionate, more harmonious, more friendly than any other system. It respects others' rights and considers others equally as human brothers and sisters. Although you might disagree with them, you have to respect their wishes.
- His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Junayd received many gifts; and he decided that he would pass the next gift to the barber. Soon afterwards he was sent a bag of gold from Basra; and he took it to the barber. 'What is this?' the barber asked. Junayd replied: 'I decided to pass my next gift to you; and this is it.' The barber exclaimed: 'Have you no shame? You asked me to cut your hair for the sake of God; and now you offer me money! No one can do something for the sake of God, and then take payment for it.'
- Attar, "Junayd"

God's best is the extras...that we get when we follow Jesus Christ. He has bonuses for us

Passover affirms the great truth that liberty is the inalienable right of every human being.
- Morris Joseph, "Judaism as Creed and Life"

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