religious thought 11

If a man's kindred cleave to him with unfailing love, His fortunes will never fail to flourish.
- Tirukkural 53:522

At the time for initiative he takes no initiative. Young, strong, but lethargic, the resolves of his heart exhausted, the lazy, lethargic one loses the path to discernment.
- Dhammapada 280, translated by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

The basic purpose of human existence is acquisition of knowledge of God; there is no relationship more true than this spiritual affiliation. All other types of relationships are but derivative and dependent upon that spiritual connection, and in themselves nothing to boast of.
- Lahiji: "Mafatih"

There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who believe themselves sinners, and the rest, sinners who believe themselves righteous.
- Blaise Pascal

Not unavailing will be our grief, if it send us back to serve and bless the living.
- Union Prayer Book

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