religious thought 06

Whatever we see or think about is the manifestation of the Mother, of the Primordial Energy, the Primal Consciousness. Creation, preservation, and destruction, living beings and the universe, and further, meditation and the meditator, bhakti[devotion] and prema [divine love] all these are manifestations of the glory of that Power.
- Ramakrishna

Patience is the sprouting of religion, firmness its root, good conduct is the flower, the enlightened heart the boughs and branches, wisdom supreme the entire tree, the "transcendent law" the fruit, its shade protects all living things. Say then! Why would you cut it down?
- Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King

When the ocean of Mercy begins to foam, even stones drink the water of life. The face of earth becomes lush green, the dead wood springs to life, the lamb and the wolf together play, the despairing becomes valiant and strong.
- Rumi

Kindness is Christianity with its working clothes on.
- Unknown

Get one by trade, rather than a thousand as gifts.
- Rabbi Samuel HaNagid, Spanish poet (993-1056 CE

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