11 Dog Breeds You Never Knew Existed

You might think you are smart about dogs. Here is a list of pooches from around the world, most of which you won't see on your morning stroll


This sighthound, originally from Mali, is used as a guard dog and pack hunter.

Central Asian Ovcharka

Central Asian Ovcharka
This shepherd dog, known for its protectiveness, is popular in Russia. Both its ears and tail are often cropped.

Cirneco dell'Etna

Cirneco dell'Etna
This Sicilian hunting dog is known for its ability to endure harsh conditions, which makes sense, as it originated near Mt. Etna, an active volcano.

Clumber Spaniel

Clumber Spaniel
This gundog, bred for hunting game in heavy cover, was a favorite of Prince Albert.

Dutch Smoushond

Dutch Smoushond
This breed almost disappeared in World War II, this rare breed is typically not found outside the Netherlands. Its name comes from its furry face; heavy-bearded Jewish men in the 1800's were called "Smouzen," apparently.

Istrian Coarse-haired Hound

Istrian Coarse-haired Hound
This Croatian scent hound is known for being hard to train. It can hunt a variety of game, including wild boar.


This Mexican hairless dog (portrayed above with its coated counterpart) was sacred to the Aztecs. It almost went extinct until a breed revival program was started to save it in the 1950's.


This Romanian dog, bred for guarding livestock, can weigh up to 140 lbs.


This North Korean dog is rarely observed outside the country. Its thick fur makes it resistant to the cold winters, especially up in the mountains where it has been used for hunting Siberian tigers.

Russkiy Toy

Russkiy Toy
This Russian dog was almost wiped out after the October Revolution due to its link with the aristocracy.

Sealyham Terrier

Sealyham Terrier
Originally from Wales, this small breed was once the toast of Hollywood, owned by Alfred Hitchcock, Cary Grant, Bette Davis, and others. However, its popularity has since declined. In 2008, only 43 puppies were registered in the UK*

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