Space Shuttle Enterprise sails to New York museum

The Space Shuttle Enterprise has journeyed to its final resting place, sailing along New York City waters on a barge. 
Crowds gathered to watch the craft being transported to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.
1. The shuttle was pulled on a barge from New Jersey to New York along the Hudson.
2. Hundreds flocked to the Hudson to see the shuttle, which never actually flew in space.
3. Enterprise was used from 1977 to test the original shuttle design and 
as it never ventured into space it was not fitted with a heat shield.
4. The Enterprise passes the Statue of Liberty on its way to the Intrepid Sea, 
Air and Space museum on the west side of Manhattan.
5. Earlier in the week Enterprise sustained some minor damage to a wing tip while
 it was being towed from JFK airport to a temporary holding area in New Jersey.
6. Fortunately the incident caused minimal damage as the Intrepid museum said that the dent was merely "cosmetic".
7. Enterprise is not the only shuttle to have been placed into museum retirement- Atlantis and 
Endeavour are going to the Kennedy Space Center [Florida] and the California Science Center [LA] respectively.
8. Space Shuttle Discovery is currently at the Smithsonian museum in Virginia, 
taking a well earned rest having been the most used shuttle over 27 years of its use.
9. On its arrival to the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space museum Enterprise was crane lifted from the barge.
10. Crowds gathered to watch the Enterprise being carefully lifted from the barge ahead of its internment 
at the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space museum.
12. The Enterprise, pictured here in April on a fly-by of New York. 

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