See a Possibility

There was a multi-national company making shoes. In order to assess the level of demand for their shoes, the Director of the company deputed a manager to a country in Africa. The manager cut short his tour with a report, `We cannot sell any shoes in that country!' When asked for an explanation, he said, `People walk bare footed; No one wears shoes there. Hence no potential.'

The Director was not a man to accept `No' for an answer. So he sent another man to study the situation. On his return, jumping with great joy, he declared, `There is a huge market for our shoes in that country!'

`How is that?' asked the Director.
`People walk bare footed; no one wears shoes in the whole country! Hence huge potential for our product' was the reply.

This is what we have to learn from the above story. Every person's experience is different in situations like work, trade, home But, all experiences can be categorized into two types  good and bad. Whatever the experience, if a lesson can be learnt from it, it is a good one!

   Thomas Alva Edison, invented the electric bulb, did not succeed in his very first attempt. He invented it only after almost one thousand failures. Someone once asked him, `You made one thousand experiments. Out of them, 999 failed and only one succeeded. Isn't it?

For that, his reply was, `How can you say that I did not find out anything during 999 experiments? To invent one working bulb, I learnt how not to make 999 non-working ones!'

In every situation, see a possibility; like the manager saw the possibility of selling shoes in a place where people were not wearing shoes.

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