
1. The Longest Song in the World

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
The longest song in the world started playing on December 31, 1999 and will stop in December 31, 2999. That is 1000year of listening to the same song without repetition. It was composed by former Pogue, Jem Finer, for Tibetan Singing Bowls.
Here are 1000 seconds of the song: VIMEO

2. The Lowest Note Sung by a man

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
A gospel singer Roger Menees managed to sing the lowest note .393 Hz. However, there is an ongoing debate since a human ear can’t hear below 18 Hz.

3. The Fastest Rapper

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
Guinness Record holder is a guy by the name of Ricky Brown aka NoClue who can rap 14.1 syllables per second. Impressive as it might be, there is someone who can rap faster unfortunately Guiness World Records only accepts English. Why is it called World Records then?

4. The Highest Note

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
The highest note C or C8 was hit by Adam Lopez in 2008 in front of live audience. Take a look!

5. The Fastest Guitar Player

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
John “Dr. Hot Licks” Taylor, a guy from Denver can play up to at 600 beats per minute.

6. The Loudest Band

6 Incredible and Most Unique Musical Achievements
KISS is the loudest band of all times. 136 dB at a concert in Canada in 2009 was registered. 

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