Synsepalum dulcificum, Eng. Miracle fruit ..

Growing up in West Africa, apparently unremarkable red berries, but with an interesting effect - they change the taste of food. All thanks to a protein called mirakulin (miraculin), which is affecting the taste buds of language, off the perception of sour and bitter flavors for about one to two hours. For example, lemon, eaten after the fruit seems sweet, with citrus flavor and aroma is fully preserved.
Чудо-фрукт (4 фото) 

"Miracle fruit" discovered many countries, including USA, UK, Japan, etc. In America, he was just sensational. In recent years there have become popular party «Flavour tripping» (gustatory journey), where guests first offer to chew a "miracle fruit", after which they will gladly eat a mountain of dishes to radically change the flavor. For example, Tabasco sauce to taste begins to resemble the icing on the donut, the lemon is sweeter than any candy, tequila gets a taste of sweet lemonade, and the most bitter beer - the taste of chocolate, vinegar like apple juice! Guests are also invited to try all sorts of cocktails made with the addition of this wonderful fruit. 

Чудо-фрукт (4 фото)

Чудо-фрукт (4 фото)

Some countries are so enthusiastic about these berries, which released a special pills and tablets, which are based, as the active ingredient, is the aforementioned protein. 
Чудо-фрукт (4 фото)

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