Extremely Rare ‘White’ Zebra

The extremely rare amelanistic White Zebra. Her name is Zoe and she wouldn’t survive in the wild because she wouldn’t blend in.

In horses, there is a similar condition called “Lethal White Foal Syndrome”…but this is not a horse nor is it an albino.
This is Zoe, her very rare striking gold stripes and blue eyes are due to a condition called “amelanosis”. It is because of this condition that the poor ol’ girl would not survive in the wild as she would not blend in…and we all know what happens when someone is different and they don’t blend in.
So how rare is she you ask? There have been reports of at least two other “white” zebras in captivity… One in Germany about a hundred years ago and another at a zoo in Tokyo in the 1970′s.
As sad as this may sound, at this time there is only one other zebra like Zoe alive.

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