LONDON, UK FOR 2012 OLYMPIC GAMESBETWEEN 27 July 2012 and 12 August 2012
The Olympic Park showing the Olympic Stadium with concession pods around
the perimeter with the Orbit to the left.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Olympic and Paralympic Village.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the International Broadcast Center and Riverbank Arena.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing
the Handball Arena with RUN sculpture
in the foreground.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Parklands looking south towards the Olympic Stadium and Aquatics Center.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing
the Olympic Stadium and warm-up track in the foreground.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing
the warm-up track next to the Olympic Stadium.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing
the Aquatics Center and the Water Polo Arena.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing
the Olympic Stadium with the Aquatics Center and the Water Polo Arena
in the foreground.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Olympic Stadium and warm-up track
and Canary Wharf in the background.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Olympic Stadium the Aquatics Center and Water Polo Arena to the left.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Aquatics Center.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Olympic and Paralympic Village.

Aerial view of the Olympic Park showing the Basketball Arena next to the Olympic and Paralympic Village.

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