Skeleton of Dead Trees in Sossusvlei

Sossusvlei is clay plateau, located in the central part of Namib desert within the Namib Naukluft National Park, Namibia. It’s also known as world highest red sand dunes. There is a famous Death Valley area with the skeleton of dead trees. The Namib desert is the most oldest arid region in the world and has existed for about 80 million years.

Death Valley is a dry lake and it’s located at a short distance of Sossusvlei. Dead valley name means “dead marsh” or “dead lake”. They came about 900 years ago, when dunes blocked the river bed and cut off the flow of the water of this area. The main vegetation in death valley is camelthorn tree (Acacia erioloba). Acacia trees belonging to the family Fabaceae. The tree die in the desert, due to intense sunlight and enough water to survive. 

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