Street Artist Eduardo Relero's 3D Illusions On Pavements

A visitor stands next to the 3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero called, ìInsesatezî, in Lleida, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
Argentinean 3D street artist Eduardo Relero has created worlds of wonder on pavements all over the globe: A visitor stands next to a 3D mural called, 'Insesatez', in Lleida, Spain

3D Mural painted by Eduardo Relero called, ìBuscador de cordialidadî in Gandia, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
The 48-year-old began his painting career on the streets of Rome in 1990 and has since gone on to create three-dimensional murals in Germany, France, Spain and America: 'Buscador de cordialidad' in Gandia, Spain

3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero called, 'lying Justice' in Madrid, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero called, 'Lying Justice' in Madrid, Spain

Artist Eduardo Relero walking on his 3D mural called, 'wise heart' at Getxo, Basque Country, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
Eduardo Relero walking on his 3D mural called, 'Wise Heart' at Getxo, Basque Country, Spain

3D Mural 'Pecorinafinal' with artist, Eduardo Relero at the Galleria Allegra Ravizza in Milan, Italy: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
'Pecorinafinal' with Eduardo Relero at the Galleria Allegra Ravizza in Milan, Italy

Eduardo Relero next to his work entitled,  'Palabras' at the Festival 'malpais' in Lanzarote, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
Eduardo Relero next to his work entitled, 'Palabras' at the Festival 'Malpais' in Lanzarote, Spain

3D Mural with onlookers and artist Eduardo Relero, entitled, 'ìCristo yacenteî', in Arucas, Gran Canaria, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
'Cristo yacente', in Arucas, Gran Canaria, Spain

Eduardo Relero next to his 3D mural, ìGrandes Chorizosî at the Festival de teatro clasico in Navarra, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
Eduardo Relero next to his 3D mural, 'Grandes Chorizos' at the Festival de teatro clasico in Navarra, Spain

A dog next to a 3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero called 'safe house' in Seville, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
A dog sits next to a 3D mural entitled 'Safe House' in Seville, Spain

A real dog sitting next to a 3D Mural painted by Eduardo Relero called 'Durango' in Durango, Basque Country, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
'Durango' in Durango, Basque Country, Spain

3D Mural painted by Eduardo Relero called 'busqueda de trascendenciaî', at the Festival de Mueca Puerto de la Cruz in Tenerife, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
'Busqueda de trascendencia', at the Festival de Mueca Puerto de la Cruz in Tenerife, Spain

Children peering at the 3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero called 'la deriva fiosÛfic' in Arles, France: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
Children peering at a 3D mural painted by Eduardo Relero in Arles, France

An onlooker views a 3D Mural painted by Eduardo Relero called 'El Gran Guru' in Seville, Spain: Eduardo Relero's Incredible 3D Art
An onlooker views a 3D mural called 'El Gran Guru' in Seville, Spain

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