Obscure Conspiracy Theories

5. Babylon
Some Rastafarians maintain that a white racist patriarchy (“Babylon”) controls the world in order to oppress the African race. They believe that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia did not die when it was reported in 1975, and that the racist, white media (again, “Babylon”) propagated that rumour in order to squash the Rastafari Movement and its message of overthrowing Babylon. Other Rastafarians, however, believe in peace and unity, and interpret Babylon as a metaphor for the established “system” that oppresses (or “downpresses,” in Rasta terminology) groups such as Africans and the world’s poor.

4. Flight 007
Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was a Korean Air Lines civilian airliner that was shot down by Soviet jet interceptors on September 1, 1983, over the Sea of Japan over prohibited Soviet airspace. The event has been the subject of ongoing controversy and has spawned a number of conspiracy theories, many of which are rooted in Cold War disinformation and propaganda campaigns, the suppression of evidence such as the flight data recorders and unexplained details such as the role of a USAF RC-135 surveillance aircraft. The various theories that have been put forward generally reflect their authors’ political orientations: Right-wing theories mirror the US government position in 1983, while left-wing theories reflect the Soviet position at the time. Some commentators also felt that the ICAO report failed to address key points adequately, such as the reason for the aircraft’s deviation.
3. Digital TV
Some theorists claim that forced transition to Digital television broadcasting is practical realization of “Big Brother” concept. They claim that miniature cameras and microphones are built into Set-top boxes and newer TV sets to spy on people. Another claim describes use of mind control technology that would be hidden in the digital signal and used to subvert the mind and feelings of the people and for subliminal advertising. When you buy your Digital TV – be sure to check it out for hidden cameras!
2. Modern Nazis
Martin Bormann (17 June 1900 – 2 May 1945?) was a prominent Nazi official. He became head of the Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler. He gained Hitler’s trust and derived immense power within the Third Reich by controlling access to the Führer and by regulating the orbits of those closest to him. After the war, Bormann was not found and was tried in absentia at Nuremberg. Unconfirmed sightings of Bormann were reported globally for two decades, particularly in Europe, Paraguay and elsewhere in South America. Some rumours claimed that Bormann had plastic surgery while on the run. At a 1967 press conference, Simon Wiesenthal asserted there was strong evidence that Bormann was alive and well in South America. Radio talk show host David Emory claims that Nazi leader Martin Bormann never died and has built a global empire involving, among many others, the Bush family, Hassan al Banna, Grover Norquist, Meyer Lansky, and Michael Chertoff.
1. Natural Quake or Not?
It has been speculated that the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami may have been caused intentionally by a “tsunami bomb” – a nuclear weapon detonated in a strategic position under the ocean. Some reason that the technology is at least feasible since research into such technology has been conducted by the military as far back as World War II. According to declassified files, top-secret “tsunami bomb” experiments utilizing explosions to trigger “mini-tidal waves” were conducted off the coast of New Zealand in 1944 and 1945. The U.S. Defense Department had even expressed concern about earthquake-inducing technology in warfare well before the 2004 disaster. In 1997 Defense Secretary William S. Cohen stated, “Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.”

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