Dreamy Miami Castle

Who here never dreamed of living their perfect life in a castle? Owned by architect Charles Sieger of Sieger Suarez, the extraordinary property Charles Sieger is a renowned architect who has designed over ten billion dollars in real estate properties. Now his own residence, the “Sieger Residence” expresses his work and seems to be a constant reminder of his success. Surrounded by a large, lake-like moat, the exceptional construction has a balanced symmetry that guides the design lines. Upon entering the property, elegant black gates welcome the guests and take them to a beautiful pathway towards the residence, flanked by trimmed hedges and trees. Crossing the bridge, the view opens to the magnificent castle. A river runs right at the edge of the property, making the aerial view even more spectacular.
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2

Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2
Dreamy Miami Castle   awesome 2

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