Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island

Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island

Tasmania, Maria Island, famous primarily for the fact of being a place where the former Darlington penal settlement was established (the prisoners were later moved to Port Arthur) is now a popular national park. Amongst the island’s many attractions are the spectacular Painted Cliffs – truly one of nature’s marvels.
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2
Painted Cliffs of Tasmanian Maria Island   awesome 2

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