National Geographic: Best photos of February

National Geographic: Best photos of February

The lens best photos from the January National Geographic magazine and National Geographic Russia.
National Geographic:

A herd of gazelles at sunset in Kalahari, South Africa

(Photo by Morkel Erasmus):

Tigers, India

(Photo by Steve Winter):

Grey Wolf, WA

(Photo by Mukul Soman):

Crabeater, Antarctica

This Antarctic seal is the only member of the genus Crabeater and the most numerous seal in the world. They are almost 50 million, four times higher than all the other seals put together. (Photo by Beth Young):

White Owl

It is the largest bird of the order Strigiformes in the tundra. Unlike other owls – birds of night, the white hunts both day and night. (Photo by James Galletto):

Protein in a snowstorm in New Jersey

(Photo by Ray Yeager):

Mountain gorillas, Africa

They live on the slopes of the Virunga volcanic mountains covered with forest. (Photo by Joel Sartore):

The Tibetan Mastiff

This is a very ancient breed of dog, known since ancient times. The natural strength and power of the Tibetan Mastiff praised Aristotle himself, Aristotle (384-322. BC. E.). (Photo by Robert Clark)

Zebras from Zambia

(Photo by Craig Arnold):

Newborn ducklings

(Photo by Raymond Tzul):

Giraffes at the National Reserve in Kenya

This is the highest land animals the world: their growth up to 5.5 meters. (Photo by Diego Arroyo):

Emperor penguins in Antarctica

Chameleon, India

(Photo by Sree V. Remella):

Flamingo, Cuba

In the reserve, “Flora de Rio Maximo” in Cuba is the largest colony of red flamingos. (Photo by Andrei Gudkov):

The Canadian lynx

This kind of predatory cats lives in the North American taiga. (Photo: Nicolas Dory):


(Photo by Mark Bridger):

The elephants, Serengeti National Park, Africa

(Photo by Michael Nichols):

Sifaka, Madagascar

In the uncharted canyons and caves preserve scurvy du Bemaraha home to some of the most unusual creatures of the island of Madagascar. (Photo by Stephen Alvarez)

Lion’s Pride

Incidentally, the fangs of lions have a length of about 8 cm in order to understand a lot or a little better to take a ruler. (Photo by Michael Nichols):

Brown bear, Kamchatka

Bright fall short Kamchatka bears will give a final opportunity to eat their fill before the long winter sleep. Photo published February 9, 2012. (Photo Sergye Gorshkov):

Rhesus crabeater, Indonesia

(Photo by Dave Forney):

Valley of the Kings, Egypt

In the desert west of the Nile lies the Valley of the Kings. In ancient times it was a quiet, secluded place. (Photo by Kenneth Garrett)


Foxes are 5%, forming a monogamous pair. Here are just a “marriage,” Fox concluded for one year and then change partners. (Photo by Sergey Gorshkov):

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