Art Of Concealment- Camouflage Art

Art Of Concealment- Camouflage Art

Animals and people hide things for various reasons. Animals in nature hide their young to protect them from predators. Pirates hide stolen treasure to protect it from being stolen yet again. One of the most effective ways to hide something is by camouflaging it. In this activity, you will get to explore how to use camouflauge in making art. Camouflage is the “art of concealment”. It involves disguising an object, in plain sight, in order to hide it from something or someone. We generally think of camouflage as being used during war. Soldiers often wear special camouflage clothing and smear mud on their faces at night to become less visible.

But, camouflage exists in many other forms in the natural world. Camouflage is being used to make artistic statements, beautify urban environments, make ugly cars look nicer and for shock value. These examples of unusual use of camouflage show how versatile the concept is, from making homes blend into forest environments to creating eerie optical illusion effects in photography. Artists like Emma Hack, Liu Bolin and Desiree Palmen use special techniques for their photographs that allow them to show people blended into their surroundings. Here are some amazing examples…

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